DLG Newsletter January 13-17

Newsletter: January 13-17
Our first week of 2025 is now completed, and it has been a smooth transition from vacation to school. Thank you, families, for preparing and supporting your children as they returned to classes.
Hot Lunch Program
The ordering for February will be coming to you on Monday. The ordering deadline will be Monday, January 27, and late orders are not permitted.
Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday - January 15
As we are at school, please remember to acknowledge the important work of Dr. King. We are still working on making his dream of equality come true and are continually inspired by his vision. At today’s assembly, we watched a short video introducing our students to Martin Luther King Jr. and his life. If you would like to watch, here is the link: https://youtu.be/k6Au81aHuSg?si=QGl_ftTZwrDF2unh.
Wednesday Learning Buddies
For those children already signed up, the program is beginning again this coming Wednesday after school.
PAC Dance Glow Party
The PAC is hosting a Glow Dance Party with DJ Nikki on Friday, January 17th, 2025 from 5PM to 7PM in the gym. For more information, please visit www.dlgpac.com/glow. Students who have not already paid can reserve tickets on Tuesday at lunch. A parent/guardian must attend (no cost). Tickets will increase to $7 at the door. LED/glow items and snacks/drinks will be available for purchase at the event (cash only).
Flexible Plastics Program
Flexible Plastics Program - Thank you to the entire community for your support on this partnership between VSB and Recycle BC! We are still waiting to hear the total weight and how much we saved from going into the landfill. The program is over....for now. Please stay tuned for a possible return before Spring Break.
Students in grades 2-4 can sign up for an after-school program on Fridays to learn various sports. The program begins on January 24. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Wize Coding and Robotics
The WIZE Computing Academy is offering after-school programs in robotics and coding. Please see the attached flyer for more details.
Thank you to PAC for organizing the SplitSecond basketball program. This week, the intermediate students have enjoyed the expert coaching, and next week, the primary students will benefit from it. We express our gratitude for this opportunity.
DLG Violin Library
Thanks to the donation by parents Nikita and Patrick, we now have two violins (small sizes for children) available for families to borrow. These violins can be borrowed for the school year for children taking lessons. If you are interested, please send me an email. The violins at the top of this page are the two available.
On the Horizon
- Pro-D Day: January 20th (no school)
- Ethos Lab Workshops: January 23-24
- Black History Month: February
- Pink Shirt Day: February 26
Thank you for your attention and support. Have a great week ahead!