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School Cash Online

School Cash Online to Pay Fees
All schools in the Vancouver School Board now have School Cash Online. This system is the preferred method of payment for all school fees, including everything from general school supplies, performances, to agendas / planners. This secure system helps parents/guardians and community members pay school-related fees safely, quickly and easily online.receipts upon payment and makes the collection of money far easier for school staff. It also allows us to avoid dealing with money in these COVID-19 times.

The new system puts all of the school fees available to your student online for purchase, keeping you informed of your child’s activities and needs. We will post items through the system and assign the relevant fees to your child. You can then choose to purchase these fees online with one of three different methods, including credit cards. You can also stay informed and keep track of which school fees require your attention. The system strictly adheres to Canada’s privacy and anti-spam legislation and meets the latest industry standards for payment security.

If you have not already done so, please take time to register now –a simple process that takes only a few minutes –by visiting https://vsb.schoolcashonline.c... or visiting the VSB website at and following directions to the School Cash Online page. You will need your child’s usual first name, last name and birth date to register. 

To receive email notifications of upcoming fees, please select “YES” and check the box indicating “I want to receive email notifications for new fees assigned to my student and updates on school-related activities.”

Should you encounter any difficulties, you can use the parent help desk at
1(866) 961-1803 or by visiting

The general supply fee of $35.00 covers the cost things like pencils, erasers, markers, paper and art supplies purchased at wholesale prices. 

Option 4 General Supply Fee:
Students returning October 13th - $31.50
Students returning November 9 - $28.00
Students returning January 4th - $21.00

This year the performance fee of $10.00 will be used for online performances and / or face to face events with learning groups. Ms. Liang has booked our first performance for early in November.

The cost of the planner is $6.00. The beginning pages are customized for students at David Livingstone Elementary School. This is mandatory for all students.
Some classes are using the Jump Math program and will be requesting you cover the cost of the workbooks used by students. The cost and workbook will be included on your child's profile. Please contact Ms. Froese directly at if you are struggling to pay the entire amount if you are struggling to pay the entire amount for school fees. I will try to access other fund.

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