After the Bell (ep. 19) Project-based Learning and Public Use of VSB Fields

The B.C. curriculum outlines three Core Competencies students need to be deep, lifelong learners. These are communication, thinking, as well as personal and social. To a degree, these are rather abstract terms. Unlike math, science, English and social studies, subjects we are used to hearing about when referring to learning in schools, the shift in today’s education focuses on concepts instead of content, on how to learn rather than what is learned, and on developing critical thinking skills in place of memorization. Really, it’s about hands on, experiential learning.
The core competencies of communication, thinking, as well as personal and social serve as the building blocks for a lifetime learner. So, how do we integrate these core competencies with the traditional subjects?
In this episode, Templeton Secondary teacher Mike Hengeveld explains project-based learning, STEAM/STEM and ADST. We also have a special on-location interview with one of Mike’s Grade 12 students, Stephen, who shares what it’s like being a student in the STEM program at Templeton.
For Matter of the Month, we discuss the use of school fields and the decision to close some of them to public access.
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