A Round Up of Pride 2024 Throughout the District

This month we celebrated Pride throughout the District! VSB is committed to inclusive learning environments and celebrating the diverse communities that make our schools unique.
Every year, schools organize parades, art projects and lessons on inclusion, allyship and the achievements of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Much of this planning is done by school SOGI leaders. SOGI leads in school are educators who support students every day, ensuring they have a sense of belonging, community and safety in their education environments.
We checked in with some of the SOGI leads to hear about how they celebrated Pride within their schools. This is what they had to say in their own words:
Sonja Rondestvedt from Hudson:
“On Friday, June 7, Henry Hudson Elementary held a Rainbow Day! Students wandered through a. number of stations curated up by students in the school’s Diversity Club. Station activities included face painting, storytelling with the school’s librarian, chalk art-making, bubbles, a photo booth, closing out the festivities – a fantastic dance party!”
Michelle from Fleming:
“The Advocators Club at Sir Sandford Fleming Elementary School – known for their creativity and community spirit ¬– organized an exciting Pride parade followed by a dance party. The Advocators planned and organized for weeks. They created colourful posters and banners, made school announcements, led the parade and participated in a school-wide assembly about inclusion. The event brought together students, staff and families, fostering a sense of unity and pride within the community. The Advocators' Pride parade and dance party exemplifies the spirit of collaboration and celebration at Sir Sandford Fleming Elementary.
Prior to the parade, Fleming held a diversity and inclusion assembly where students and staff shared how important it is to let the light in everyone shine bright! The assembly was led by two classes with their teachers and the Advocators Club."
Pride at Fleming
Lynda from Tecumseh:
“When I became the SOGI committee team lead this year, I knew I wanted to plan our school’s first Pride Parade. Pride is about celebrating diversity, loving who you are and creating a safe place where everyone is welcome. I knew this would be not only an incredible learning opportunity for Tecumseh students and staff, but a fun and inspiring way to come together as a school community, especially after the unexpected flood of our school in January. With the help of an amazing committee of teachers, we were able to plan a Pride Parade that was filled with colour, bouncing beach balls, bubbles, music, dancing and lots of smiles. It was truly an amazing day that hopefully had a long-lasting impact on the school community.
All classes from K-7 gathered on the grass field for a welcome and warmup dance party before parading through Memorial Park in celebration of Pride. Students, staff and parent-volunteers took the opportunity to promote inclusivity and acceptance, to continue our work in helping prevent discrimination and bullying, and, to act as a source of validation and support to 2SLBGTQIA+ students and community with the goal of leading to a more inclusive, respectful, kind, understanding and compassionate community. A great time was had by all!"
Pride at Tecumseh
Louise from Nootka:
“Nootka celebrates Pride! Our SOGI team prepared lessons for primary and intermediate classes about Pride and why we celebrate. During this month, we placed bulletin board displays throughout the school as well as a book display in the library. We booked the drag performer, Wanting Moi, to walk the parade route and perform two songs after the parade. We also reached out to local 2SLGBTQIA+ businesses and organizations for flyers, stickers and posters to use at our information booth. Everyone we reached out to was excited to participate! The day before the festival, we put together a box of accessories for each class to use during the parade and at our photo booth.”
Pride at Nootka
Susie from Simon Fraser:
"Students and their families joined the school team for a packed day celebrating Pride at Simon Fraser Elementary. The whole school, including staff, participated by making flags and signs and everyone dressed in rainbow colours. The school paraded to Mt Pleasant Park, where the festivities continued with entertainment, complete with a bubble machine, music, a parachute, face painting and treats! PFLAG Canada was onsite and many student-families joined the walk and in the park, celebrating inclusive places and communities."
Pride at Simon Fraser
Holly from Point Grey:
“To celebrate Pride Month at stəywəte:n̓ Point Grey Secondary School, our Pride Club ran a sticker contest and we’ll feature the winning designs at our school carnival. We had a Pride flag scavenger hunt and students who found the flags had to identify the flag and what it stands for before enjoying a reward – a yummy treat. We hosted Pride trivia in the library during lunch period, and we raised funds for Qmunity with a lemonade stand and bake sale. We also have a Pride book display in the library and created Pride bookmarks to share. Our school also has had beautiful rainbow stairs out front for the past five years! Happy Pride, everyone!”
Wishing everyone a wonderful Pride!