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Mission Statement

To enable students to reach their intellectual, social, aesthetic and physical potential in challenging and stimulating settings which reflect the worth of each individual and promote mutual respect, co-operation and social responsibility.

  • We value childhood as a unique and special time.
  • We believe in being strong advocates for the rights of children.
  • We believe that children should be empowered to recognize and exercise their rights
  • We believe learning is enhanced by learner involvement and commitment.
  • We value the active participation of parents in the education of their children.
  • We value the role of the teacher as central in the provision of the learning program.
  • We believe that schools should provide a safe, secure and hunger-free environment.
  • We believe that school buildings should be safe, attractive, comfortable and of enduring quality.
  • We believe in co-operation, respect for others and development of social responsibility.
  • We value the diverse and evolving multicultural nature of Vancouver.
  • We believe that education has an important role to play in the preservation, protection and enhancement of the environment.
  • We believe in providing opportunities for students to acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to participate in the social, cultural, political and economic systems of a free and democratic society.
  • We believe in the provision of a wide range of programs, services and resources to meet the needs, interests and abilities of all learners. We believe in fair and equitable distribution of resources.
  • We believe that educational environments must be flexible and responsive to change.
  • We value the strong commitment of staff and believe in their participation in all facets of the school system.
  • We believe in supporting the health and well-being of staff.
  • We believe in the dignity of the individual and the development of self-esteem.
  • We value the contribution of each individual. We believe in educating the whole person.
  • We believe in equitable treatment for all individuals regardless of race, culture, gender, religion, socio-economic status, sexual orientation or physical or mental ability.
  • We believe in equal opportunity and equal access to the best possible education in a supportive, positive and challenging environment.
  • We believe in life long learning.
  • We believe in managing change through planning and leadership.  We believe in fostering a sense of community.
  • We believe that a school should be able to receive all the Neighbourhood children who choose to attend.
  • We believe in a consultation process that involves parents, students, staff and the wider community.
  • We believe in utilizing community resources and we value a strong association with business, labour and community agencies.
  • We believe in being accountable to the community and we value and promote open communications.
  • We believe in a commitment to excellence.
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