Approaches to Learning

Students work towards acquiring and applying skills in five broad categories. These skills are taught, practiced, and mastered in context, during units of inquiry, as well as during stand-alone activities.
Thinking Skills
critical thinking skills: analysis, evaluation, forming decisions
creative thinking skills: generating new ideas, considering new perspectives
transfer / application skills: application, application in multiple contexts
reflection: reflection, metacognition
Social Skills
interpersonal skills: respecting others, supporting others, social intelligences, resolving conflict
intrapersonal skills: self control, emotional intelligence
Communication Skills
exchanging information: listening, interpreting, speaking
literacy: reading, writing
ICT: viewing, presenting, informed choices
Research Skills
information literacy skills: formulating and planning, gathering and recording, synthesizing and interpreting, evaluating and communicating
media-literacy skills: consuming and processing, considering online perspectives, creating
ethical use of media / information: ethical use, reliability of sources
Self-Management Skills
organization: managing self, time management, goal setting
states of mind: mindfulness, perseverance, emotional management, self motivation, resilience