Fueling growing bodies and minds

Today is World Food Day, a day to reflect about and take action to address global food matters. Food is essential to growth and learning. At VSB, staff continue to make strides to provide nutritious meals so students can learn thanks to the Food4school program.
Did you know, food programs in VSB schools feed thousands of students? A lot of work and coordination makes this possible every day. Before the sunrises, cafeteria staff at Britannia’s Commissary kitchen have already started preheating the ovens and unloading food from the cold storage. New upgrades at the school’s kitchen now enable the staff to make up to 2,000 individual meals a day. Watch how lunch gets made and delivered to students across the District.
Special thanks to the VSB food services team, drivers from Material Services (CUPE407), and cafeteria workers (IUOE Local 963) in Britannia and Templeton secondary schools where the meals begin their journey to the hands of and bellies of students!