June 1 2023 Laurier e-News

Div. 1: Integration of Art and French: Qui Suis-Je?
Dear Laurier Families,
Our Bike/Walk to school week was as always well embraced by our students and families. This week highlighted the importance of active transportation and healthy living. We are continuing to help our students remain healthy and active by offering them a variety of activities. We ended our track and field season with strong participation and commitment. Once more, many thanks to Ms. Boucher for the countless hours she spent to organize and lead this event and many staff members for coaching and encouraging our students throughout the event. Our Tennis sessions have also been running outdoor on a daily basis in the last couple of weeks and our students learned and practised new skills.
On Thursday, June 1st, we met our new Kindergarten students and their families for the first time during our Welcome to Kindergarten orientation day. It was a joy to meet you all and we hope you enjoyed the stations run by our teachers. We are looking forward to getting to know you more when you formally join Laurier in September. Our special thanks go to the Kindergarten team, Ms. Murphy, Mr. Holdham, Ms. Baxter and Ms. Altman for organizing the day. Thanks to our PAC Chairs, past and present, Bill Martin and Anita Parkinson for representing Laurier PAC and welcoming the youngest members of our community and their families to our school!
Bye May! Hello June!
May was another busy month at Laurier! Here is a highlight of our extra-curricular activities in May: Black History Matters presentations to K-7 students, Sports Day, Tennis sessions for K-7 students, Bike/Walk to School Week, Track and Field, May SOAR Assembly. Our staff continued to participate in lunch and learn sessions working on Novel Studies and Universal Design for Learning. We also had our Hearing Screening for our Kindergarten students and practised our emergency skills during the Big One @2 earthquake drill and a fire drill.
Thank you to our PAC executives for leading the PAC AGM on May 24 and for their ongoing support.
Please check below the Upcoming Dates for events and activities in June!
2023-2024 Sir Wilfrid Laurier Elementary School Calendar
Please see the school calendar attached to this e-News in the Resources section at the bottom of this page.
2023-2024 Sir Wilfrid Laurier Elementary School Fee
Please see the school fee attached to this e-News in the Resources section at the bottom of this page.
Laurier PAC News
Special PAC Meeting Next Wednesday, June 7th: Laurier PAC will hold a special meeting on Wednesday June 7th at 6:30pm to discuss a proposed amendment to the 2022-2022 budget for a capital purchase for the school. Keep an eye out for the online meeting link, which will be emailed before the meeting.
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, June 6: Author visit - Library - Primary
Wednesday, June 7: Staff Appreciation Luncheon
Friday, June 9: Last day of hot lunch
Wednesday, June 14-16: Grade 7 Camp
Tuesday, June 20th @1:45pm in the gym: Primary Concert - More info to come
Wednesday, June 21: National Indigenous Peoples Day
Thursday, June 22: SOAR Fun Day - More info to come
Friday, June 23 @1:45pm in the gym: Intermediate Concert - More info to come
Monday, June 26: Grade 7 Moving Forward Ceremony - More info to come
Thursday, June 29: Last day of school for students - Report Cards go home
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I wish you a safe and restful weekend.
Armin Samiei | Principal
Sir Wilfrid Laurier Elementary School