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Our Staff

Tecumseh Annex Staff


Mr. Jesse Brown

Vice Principal:

Mr. Gavin Landreth

Office Administrative Assistant:

Ms. Wendy Trumpour

Teaching Staff:

Division 1 : Ms. Lia Belegris

Division 2: Ms. Anjum Khan (M,F) / Ms. Trisha Erickson (Tu,W,Th)

Division 3: Ms. Georgia Goundouvas (M,T,W)  / Ms. Lindsay Lapos (Th,F)

Division 4: Ms. Lora Bird

P.E.: Mr. Gavin Landreth

Resource: Ms. Lindsay Lapos

Resource: Mr. G. Landreth

Resource: Mr. Adrian Burrus


District Staff:

Ms. Anica Grenzberg (Area Counsellor)

Ms. Rhiann Grills (Speech and Language Pathologist)

Student Support Staff:

Ms Ali Boniface

Ms Rona Mapili.




Supervision Aides:


Ms. Connie Cantagallo


Building Engineer:

Mr. Hoan Nyugen 


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