Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct - Updated June 2024
Statement of Purpose
Thunderbird’s Code of Conduct is designed to promote socially responsible behaviours that contribute to a safe, caring and orderly learning environment. It is intended to encourage cooperation between all members of the school community.
Application of the Code of Conduct
These expectations apply to behaviour at school, during school-organized or sponsored activities, and behaviour beyond these times (including online behaviour) that impacts the safe and respectful environment of the school and/ or student learning.
There will be a focus on consequences that are restorative, rather than punitive wherever possible and appropriate. The school will take all reasonable steps to prevent retaliation against a student who has made a complaint of a breach of the code of conduct.
Thunderbird Elementary promotes the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals, and prohibiting discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, gender or sexual orientation. When students demonstrate behaviour that is not in keeping with the ideas described above, a discipline response that is based on learning and restoration or reparation of harm is implemented.
Racism will not be tolerated in our School.

Students at Thunderbird Elementary are very cooperative and respectful. Staff in the school may give verbal prompts to remind students to make appropriate choices. If these directions are ignored, students may be asked or they may ask to, “Take a break.” This will give the student the opportunity to self– regulate and return to learning when ready.
Possible consequences for disrespectful and unsafe behavior
Initial Minor Incidents
- Discussion with a staff member
- Identify the problem and possible solutions e.g. What happened and how can I make it better?
- Logical consequences e.g. grounds clean up for littering
Repeated Misbehaviour
- Discussion with the Principal
- Parents informed
- Loss of privileges e.g. recess, playing on a sports team
Serious and ongoing misbehavior
- Parents called to school
- Letter sent home and placed in file
- Behaviour plan developed
- In school/out of school suspension
In accordance with the School Act, Sec.85(2)(ii) and (d), the Board authorizes the Principal or designate of any school in the district to suspend a student from attendance for up to five days. Suspensions may be for the following reasons:
- student is willfully & repeatedly disrespectful to a teacher or any other employee of the Board carrying out responsibilities approved by the Board
- the behavior of the student breaches the District Code of Conduct or policy and/or has a harmful effect on others or the learning environment of the school
- the student has failed to comply with the School Code of Conduct
Suspensions over five days are made in consultation with the appropriate Director of Instruction as per District Policy (
Rising Expectations
It is understood that a child’s ability to understand and respond to expectations of socially responsible behavior increases with age. Consequently, the age, maturity, developmental level and special needs of a student– such as a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory emotional or behavioural- are considered when determining appropriate consequences. Whenever possible consequences are preventative and restorative rather than punitive.