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Communicating Student Learning

BC's educational curriculum

Over the last few years, BC's educational curriculum underwent an important change. The updated curriculum will provide students with the necessary skills for their future. Children need to learn adaptive skills, especially to be prepared for the rapid change of technology in years to come.

Communicating Student Learning

This approach (CSL) gives information that advances learning rather than focusing on measuring learning. The approach helps students and parents answer three questions about the learning:

  • Where is the student now?
  • Where are they going?
  • How do they get there?

This reporting practice gives a complete picture of how students are doing at school and how their learning is developing. By participating in this process, students are provided with meaningful information and feedback about their learning, so that they are more empowered to reach their learning goals. Parents are involved as partners in the best ways to support and improve their child’s learning.

Report card format

Report cards will include:        

  • Descriptive written comments addressing:
    • student learning strengths
    • areas for growth
    • ways to support learning
  • A student proficiency scale for each subject area (in relation to grade level expectations):
    • Emerging
    • Developing
    • Proficient 
    • Extending1698691547289.png

Reporting schedule

There will also be a new reporting schedule.  This year there will be three Written Learning Updates (December, March and June)



October/November (reporting window based on the


Informal Learning Update

Early December

Written Learning Update

February (reporting window based on the calendar)

Informal Learning Update

March (3-5 days before the last day before the break)

Written Learning Update

June (3 days before the last day of school)

Summary of Learning

For greater details please click on the following link:

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