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Visions 180

Visions 180 Community Programs  

Visions 180 Out-of-School Program
The Visions 180 Program offers environmental and experiential based programming, holistic leadership training and targeted interactive clubs to students from Vancouver’s inner city elementary schools located within the Grandview/Woodlands area. 
We are located at Grandview/¿uuqinak'uuh Elementary Earth School. Through the provision of minimum cost, innovative out-of-school programming, we introduce students from grades 3 to 7 to a wide variety of engaging, educational programs and community based opportunities from Monday to Friday during the school year.

All clubs and programming are based on at least one, if not more
of our eight specific program pillars:

·      Leadership and Mentorship
·      Academic Achievement
·      Arts and Culture
·      Healthy Living (social and life skills development and training)
·      Environmental Education
·      Sports and Athleticism
·      Community Stewardship
·      Junior Entrepreneur  

Through participation in the out of school program, students can foster the necessary knowledge base to understand constructive work ethics, values and basic life and social skills. Participation in these clubs not only hones important life skills, but also aids students in recognizing and utilizing available resources that work toward future employment and hobby successes.

These clubs make up the staple ingredients for a fantastic program. Every term some clubs stay and some clubs go, depending on popularity. The students have a large say in what clubs are offered and a choice in what clubs they join for the term. We always have a few new ones that keeps the excitement around Visions up! 

Fun Facts:

  • Grandview’s vulnerability rate was reduced from 48% to 33.7% between 2004 and 2009. From one half to one third. Dedicated staff, volunteers and mentors have made the difference! Visions 180 has helped to create a positive ethos at our school. 
  • Visions 180 provides more than a safe haven for children between 3 pm and 6 pm. It is an enriched program designed to introduce programs and challenges that inner city children do not routinely experience. It is not a drop-in program, but a focused program that provides over 300 hours of life-changing curricula. 

KidSafe, UBC Learning Exchange, Britannia and Hastings Community Centres, CLICK, National Council of Jewish Women, Vancouver School Board, the Royal Bank of Canada, VANCITY, Coast Captial Savings, Vancouver Coastal Health, PLEA KidStart Organization, PEDAL Bike Depot, Children’s Foundation, Mulgrave IB World School, Vancouver Food Bank, Vancouver District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC), Watari, Ministry of Children and Family Development, VACFSS, MoreSports Intramurals, Heart of the City Piano Program, UBC TREK, BC Recreation and Parks Association, UBC Faculty of Dentistry, Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada, TELUS. 
If you are interested in learning more about the program, how to work, volunteer or make a donation, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Visions 180 Coordinator. 604-713-4663.
Visions Fees and Registration
$25 per month/ $40 for two students (siblings)
$75 per Term when paid up front. $105 for two students (siblings)

Strives to enhance community collaboration and increase parent capacity among the local community we serve through workshops, community events and connecting with community resources.

Generations offers outreach to students, parents and families by providing parents with community based organizations such as advocacy groups, mental health services, educational institutions and community support agencies.

The primary goals are to aid those families in need by improving their current life situations and increasing their knowledge, skill sets and resources to develop economic self-reliance.

Trading Spaces for Greener Places
This is a collaborative approach to fundamentally and physically change our neighbourhood and school to become a 'greener' physical environment that engages participants in activities that promote active living, while developing and building capacity.

We are currently looking towards fundraising, designing and/or implementing the following:

  • School and Community Garden - expanding the availability of local food and decreasing our carbon footprint by increasing garden plots for the school and the families and community members to grow their own food. 
  • Ethno-Botanical Garden - planting a garden that highlights native edible species.  A place to maximize informal play and form cultural concepts. 
  • Naturalized Playscape - increasing natural play area space by adding a children's naturalized play area through consultation with students, staff, families and community members.  The intent is to make the play areas more greener and accessible. 
  • Orchard - the process of planting fruit trees and berry bushes

Grandview/Woodlands has been recognized as a community lacking adequate green space for  the surrounding neighborhood.  We are seeking to utilize the gardens and schoolyard as a better learning environment to offer hands-on, intergenarational and multi-sensory experiences for our local community.

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