Carleton Cunningham eNews November 13th, 2022

I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend. Have a great week.
Please remember to contact the office when you child will be absent from school. The office conducts a Safe Arrival program in the morning, to avoid unnecessary concern please call our Safe Arrival line or let the office know as soon as you know your child will be absent.
Safe Arrival - 604-713-5159 School Code 24
PAC Meeting Wednesday, October 16th at 6:30pm. The meeting is held in-person and online. Please use the following Teams link if you would like to join online. Everyone is welcome.
PAC Meeting October 16th, 2022
School Pizza – If you order pizza for your child and they are absent on the day, we are unable to keep the pizza for them. We do not have refrigerator space to store boxes of pizza. You are welcome to come to the school office on pizza day and pick up your child’s pizza, otherwise your pizza will be donated to a child without. Thank you for your understanding with this.
Operation Warm will be at our school on November 30th to give every child in the school a new winter jacket. If your child is absent that day, jackets will be available in the office for pick up at a later date. Later this week your child will be coming home with a media consent form for you to sign. This allows Operation Warm and Nordstrom to take pictures of the students and potentially use them to advertise so future schools can receive similar experiences. Your child will receive a winter jacket regardless of saying yes or no to being photographed. It is important all families return the form so we know which children can have their picture taken.
Winter Concert Save the Date – We will be hosting a winter concert in the gym for families on December 16that 9:15am. More information to come soon.
If you have any questions or need help with something, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Adrienne Stewardson