Carleton Cunningham eNews September 23, 2022

School Closed on Friday, September 30th – National Truth and Reconciliation Day
Terry Fox Run – Wednesday, September 28th 1:30pm at Norquay Park (kindergarten students will be running on the gravel field at the school) Families are welcome to participate with us. We will be collecting loonies ($1) or toonies ($2) for the Cancer foundation throughout the week. If you would like to donate, please send your child to school with a loonie or toonie and student helpers will come to classes to collect the money each day.
Photo Day – Edge Photography will be here on Thursday, September 29th in the morning to take individual school photos. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
The school will be recognizing Orange Shirt Day on September 29th Orange shirt day is a day when we honour the Indigenous children who were sent away to residential schools in Canada. It's also a day to learn more about the history of those schools. For more information and a child friendly website to use with your children you can visit CBC kids.
Forms – Students came home with a Verification, Media Consent and Student Reunification package this past week. It is very important you complete these and send back to the school as soon as possible. Please also ensure you complete the CASL and AUP online forms for your child.
School Fees – All school fees are collected using our online payment system. Please see the attached flyer if you need help registering for the system. School fees for your child are now entered into the system. Depending on the classroom teacher you may see the following items; school fees $35, agenda $7, math workbooks $25 (full year) or $12.50 (half year). No child will be denied an opportunity at the school due to financial reasons. If you require financial support please let me know.
Pizza Day – September 28th PAC is hosting our first pizza day. Pizza slices are $3.50 (cheese or peperoni). Individually packaged pizza will be delivered to your child’s class for eating time. Please order on SchoolCashOnline by Sunday, September 25th at midnight to ensure you child’s order is accepted. We are NOT able to accept late orders.
PAC Apple Fundraiser
The Cunningham PAC has partnered with Sun-Oka farms, in the Okanagan, again this year to bring ambrosia and honeycrisp apples fresh from the orchard.
These apples are delicious! Just ask anyone who ordered them last as a simple online form using this link:
Apples are sold at competitive prices and each box purchased generates funds for the school PAC to use on providing enhanced experiences for our kids - our goal this year is to provide safety programming to the children such as home alone, babysitting, swim to survive (actual courses have not been selected yet).
The sale will be open from September 19th to October 8th with delivery anticipated the week of October 17th (exact date will be confirmed after harvest)
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the PAC at or visit our website at:
Big Brothers and Trout Lake Community Center are running a collaboration for boys. Please see the link for more information
Big Brothers – Wednesdays Oct 12- Nov 23 from 3:35 pm- 5:00 pm
I hope you have a great weekend.
Adrienne Stewardson