Carleton Cunningham eNews October 3, 2022

Sorry about the delay with the weekend eNews, I wanted to make sure some items were ready to go before sending out the information. I hope everyone has a great week!
Our Fresh To You Vegetable Fundraiser is available again this year! All money raised will go to support and expand our school garden program. There are two bundles available for purchase. You can purchase using SchoolCashOnline. You are welcome to share the order links with family, friends and co-workers for them to order as well.
Vegetables will be delivered to the school in early November.
Bundle 1 - $25 includes 3lb Onions
3lb Carrots
5lb Gala Apples
5lb Pacific Sunset Potato
Bundle 2 - $30 includes 5lb Carrots
0.5lb Shallots
1lb Parsnips
5lb Pacific Sunset Potatoes
5lb Red Beets
Bundle #1 Live link to order
Bundle #2 Live link to order
Birthday Treats in Classrooms – we understand the importance of celebrate a child’s special day with their classmates but are asking families to keep birthday treats sent to school small. At this time, only commercially produced food items are allowed to be shared in a class. A small treat is welcome, a cookie or small cupcake, but please do not send large platters of food or sheets of cake to be cut or served. If you are unsure if what you would like to send is appropriate, please let me know. Thank you for your understanding.
Hoop Dancing – All of our students will have the opportunity to participate in two workshops on October 4thand 5th, with hoop dancer Alex Wells. To watch a video of Alex Wells visit here.
South Vancouver Neighbourhood House is offering a Healthy Parent, Healthy Child Talk on Saturday, October 22 from 9:30AM to 12:30PM. We have a Child Psychologist as our resource speaker and we have resources from DDA. Please see attachment for more information.
Halloween Costumes – As we are planning ahead about our children’s costumes, please be remember that play weapons of any kind are not allowed at school – this includes play swords, knives, guns, nunchaku etc. As well, we acknowledge at our school that culture is not costume. Students are welcome to wear costumes to school on October 31st.
PAC Apple Fundraiser
Our apple order deadline is midnight on Saturday October 8th - don't miss your chance to order a delicious box of ambrosia or honeycrisp apples straight from the orchard.
Ambrosias are $23.95
Honeycrisp are $28.95
Each box contains 10lbs of freshly picked apples (roughly 13-16 apples).
With each order you are getting a competitive market price and the PAC earns a percentage to put towards the kids!
Delivery will be the week of October 17th - we will email everyone who orders with the details.
Have a great week!
Adrienne Stewardson