Carleton Cunningham eNews October 7th, 2022

School Closed on Monday, October 10th – Thanksgiving Holiday
Our Fresh To You Vegetable Fundraiser is available again this year! All money raised will go to support and expand our school garden program. There are two bundles available for purchase. You can purchase using SchoolCashOnline. You are welcome to share the order links with family, friends and co-workers for them to order as well. Last day to order is October 23rd. Vegetables will be delivered to the school in early November.
Bundle 1 - $25 includes 3lb Onions
3lb Carrots
5lb Gala Apples
5lb Pacific Sunset Potato
Bundle 2 - $30 includes 5lb Carrots
0.5lb Shallots
1lb Parsnips
5lb Pacific Sunset Potatoes
5lb Red Beets
Bundle #1 Live link to order
Bundle #2 Live link to order
Pick Up and Drop Off – We highly recommend you walk or bike to/from school, it helps the environment, gives the children a bit of exercise and gives families a chance to spend time together everyday. If you need to drive your child to school, please do not park on 37th in front of the school when picking up and dropping off your children. This space is reserved for the school busses who bring our district program children to the school. As well, our alley way is not a place to pick up/drop off your child. This area gets very congested with children and families, it is extremely unsafe to drive down the alley at drop off/pick up times. We suggest you park a block or two away and walk the remaining amount to get our school safe. Thank you for your help with this.
ONE TO ONE Reading - This fall, ONE TO ONE is hosting virtual workshops for interested parents/caregivers of students in Grades 1-3 called Come Read with Me. You may remember hearing about it in your school coordinator orientation.
Here are the details:
- We are hosting session on:
- October 27;
- November 2, 9, 15, 23;
- December 1, and 6.
- All sessions start at 6:30 and run for 60 minutes with time for questions after. Each session is the same – parents/caregivers only need to come once
To register and for more information:
Have a wonderful long weekend!
Adrienne Stewardson