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Participating in your child's education is integral to their success at McKechnie Elementary.  Ensure your child is well-rested with a healthy diet.  Students should be getting 8-10 hours of sleep every night, especially the senior students who are growing rapidly.  It is recommended that a bedtime routine includes no screen time or electronics for at least 1 hour prior to going to bed.  

It is very important that parents check their child's planner for completed homework assignments and notes from the teacher every day.  Students should have either homework assigned by the teacher or routine homestudy on a daily basis: spelling practice, reading for at least 1/2 hour daily, math skill practice, and independent study of current topics in class. Your child's teacher may use a blog, website or other method of communicating with parents in addition to the student planner.

Students are encouraged to be physically active for at least 60 minutes daily where they engage in a physical activity that increases heart rate and produces rosy cheeks.  We encourage parents to facilitate playdates and social opportunities as an important part of their children's social education.  Encouraging your child to engage in unstructured play that does not involve electronics is integral to supporting students to learn to be self-directing and independent learners. 

We are fortunate to have an active Parent Advisory Council or PAC.  Please visit to find out how you can be active in the school community.

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