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Welcome to the 2023-24 School Year


We hope you had a wonderful summer, and we are very excited to be welcoming students and families back into our school. Please see below for a glance of the first week of school. Be sure to check your email and our school website regularly.

Tues., Sept. 5: Opening Day – 9:00 am – 10:00 am

All returning students please start your day with your last year’s teacher*. Please line up in the same spot as last year. Our PAC will be offering muffins and coffee by the picnic tables and red playground. Please feel free to join us for the hour to reconnect! Please pick up your child(ren) at the spot listed above at 10:00 am.

*Students will remain in their temporary classes until we get word from the District that we can move into our new classes.

NEW Students to Gordon - please report to the office so we can direct you to your temporary class

New parents, please come to the office and we will help you find your child at 10:00 am.

Wed., Sept. 6 – Fri., Sept. 8 – school will be in session from 9:00 am – 3:03 pm and students will continue to report to their temporary classrooms.

NEW Kindergarten students – your first day will start on Wed., Sept. 6.  Please follow the Gradual Entry Schedule that was sent to you today. If you did not receive this email, please contact our school office at

To help us ensure a smooth start to the new school year, we would like to remind you that students must attend school by Friday, September 8, so we can confirm enrolment. If your child/children will not be in attendance the first week back to school, but will do so after then, please contact the school office to let us know. This will help us organize students in their divisions for the school year.

Also, please notify the office if you have moved out of our school’s catchment, or if your child/children will attend a different school. This will enable us to enroll students who came to our school catchment area during the school months.

Take care and we look forward to welcoming you to Gordon.

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