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Supporting Student Learning at Home

We want your child to have the greatest success in school. Parents often aren't quite sure what to do or how to help their son/daughter improve their overall success in school. The following are some ideas on how you can support your child as they move through the different grades:

Reading :

The number one way that parents can help their children is to read to them or to encourage older students to read on their own. Studies show that any kind of reading is valid. It can be a simple or more complex chapter book, graphic novel, comic, or non fiction information book. Encourage at least 20 minutes of reading above grade 3 per night. For very young students reading to them or having them tell you the story through the pictures is an effective way to build literacy skills. 

As good readers we are able to summarize the information, we can identify the beginning, middle and end of stories, we form connections to the material, we ask questions about characters, setting or the topic in a non fiction work, and we can visualize a story in our mind. As children advance they are able to make inferences and can articulate how the reading has transformed their thinking. 

A great strategy for developing reading skills is to have the students keep a journal of what they have read. They can reflect on the reading and respond in any of the ways mentioned: summary, connection, question, visual picture, etc. Very young children could draw a picture of their favourite part of the story.  


Writing : 

Write anything and often! This is an area where all students can use some extra practice. Write for a specific purpose: lists, letters, and cards. Keep a personal journal and write about your day. Keep a list of topics and pick a different topic each time. Write on a computer to get assistance with editing.  

Writing topic Ideas

For very young students, forming letters and writing simple sentences, even with invented spelling, helps to foster writing skills.

Writing worksheets/frames

Math :

Numeracy skills can be supported at home by sharing real life math problems with your children: making change, measurement, and cooking all involve math skills. Practicing facts and math concepts through online games is a fun way for children to develop their skills and understanding. The following are just two used by teachers in the school.

French :

It is very important to continue to practice French language skills at home. Watching French television and movies, in addition to listening to French radio, help to develop language skills. the following websites have information and resources to support French learning, but there are many more:

Canadian Parents for French

French - online


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