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Communicating Student Learning

What does this mean for L'Ecole Bilingue Elementary?

The term ‘Communicating Student Learning’ will be heard more this year.

Communicating Student Learning on a regular and ongoing basis allows both learners and parents to gauge where the student is in their learning, what they are working towards, and the ways in which learning is supported. By participating in this process, students are provided with meaningful information or feedback about their learning so that they can monitor their progress towards the learning goals they have set.  Parents are involved as partners in a dialogue about their child’s progress and the best ways to support and improve learning.  This transparent and collaborative process helps guide and empower students to reflect on their learning and set future goals.

The communication of student learning to parents is based on clear standards and expectations and is intended to make learning visible.  This continuous window into their child's progress encourages them to take an active part by working closely with teachers to help ensure their child's success.    Students are encouraged to think of the questions: Where am I now?  Where am I going?  What do I need to do to get there?

There will be a new reporting schedule. 

The new reporting practice will include five required communications with parents within a calendar year:      

  • A minimum of three ongoing communication with families (timing at the teacher’s discretion).  For example, parent conferences, student-led conferences, goal setting conferences, celebrations of learning.
  • Two formal written reports:
    • A Progress Report that will be sent home to families in December  to End of January 
      • This report will indicate where the child is in relation to the age/grade expectations using written comments and a competency scale  
  • A Summative Report that will be sent home to families by the end of June
    • This report will indicate where the child is in relation to the age/grade expectations using written comments and a competency scale and a student self-assessment of the Core Competencies (Communication, Thinking and Personal and Social)
  • letter grades are provided to parents on request

 There will be a new formal written report format.

The new report will include:    

  • BEGINNING to acquire knowledge, skills, strategies and processes
  • DEVELOPING the ability to apply knowledge, skills, strategies and processes
  • APPLYING knowledge, skills, strategies and processes consistently
  • EXTENDING knowledge, skills, strategies and processes creatively and strategically.

All teachers at L'Ecole Bilingue have adopted the Revised BC Curriculum and many are adopting the revised methods of Assessment and Reporting.  

We look forward to working with parents as reporting changes for your child and you are encouraged to take an active part in giving feedback, setting goals and supporting learning. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Natalie Morissette at

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