Digital Citizenship
When students first come to a VSB school, they are asked to understand, follow and sign the “Acceptable Use Policy” for Internet and technology use. This form is kept in the student’s file:
Grade K-3 Acceptable (Responsible)
Use of Technology Policy
- I will ask an adult to use the computer/tablet.
- I will use apps and webpages that the teacher/school allows me to use.
- I will ask an adult for help if I’m not sure what to do or if I think I’ve made a mistake.
- I will tell an adult if I see something upsetting or inappropriate on the screen.
- I will be kind when I post about others or myself.
- I will ask permission before posting appropriate photos.
- I will find out and follow the online-sharing rules.
- If I don’t follow the rules, I might lose the privilege of using the computer/tablet.
- I understand that I am responsible for my actions when using technology both inside and outside of school.
- I understand that the school will take appropriate action if I don’t follow the rules.
Grade 4-7 Acceptable (Responsible)
Use of Technology Policy
- I will keep my username and password to myself.
- I will be respectful of myself and others when using technology.
- I will not view, download, or upload anything that is illegal, inappropriate, or that may cause harm or distress to others.
- I will not take photographs or video of other students without their permission, nor will I post pictures of others without their permission.
- I understand that school systems and devices are primarily intended for educational purposes.
- I will respect others’ work and property and will not access, copy, remove or otherwise alter any other person's files or information without their knowledge and permission.
- I understand that if I use my personal devices at school, I will follow the rules set out by this Acceptable (Responsible) Use of Technology policy and my teacher’s instructions.
- I will immediately report any damage of devices or software, cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and other concerns to my teacher.
At Waverley, we only use personal devices with teacher permission. We don’t use personal devices before/afterschool, nor at recess and lunch times. We use devices responsibly and for our learning. Staff cannot be responsible for personal devices.