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Safe Arrival

To report an absence or late arrival, please call, 604-713-5159; Ext 72

Attendance, Absenteeism and Late Arrivals 

It is important that all students attend school regularly and on time.  There is a direct connection between daily attendance and success in school.  Arriving at school on time is so important for your child’s success.   The first bell is at 8:55 and signals the time for all children to come to class.   By the second bell at 9:00 am, everyone should have their coats and belongings put away, and be sitting down and ready to learn.  Arriving late is disruptive to the class and teacher, and may set your child off on the wrong foot for the day. 

If your child is late, report to the office for a Welcome Slip and then enter the classroom quietly, respecting that class is in session.  DO NOT interrupt the classroom. If your child is going to be absent or late, please call the Safe Arrival phone line 604-713-5159 (School Code 72) prior to 9AM on the first day of the absence.  Students with unexplained absences will be phoned or emailed.

Supervision is provided outside each day from 8:40 – 8:55 am and 3:00 to 3:20 pm. Students should NOT arrive at school prior to 8:40 a.m. After 3:20 p.m. staff will begin to call parents/guardians as well as emergency contact numbers to pick up remaining students.

If your child is going to be absent for a lengthy trip during the school year, their space will only be kept for a maximum of 30 calendar days. If your child returns beyond this one-month time, the child will be re‑enrolled if there is still space in the school. If there is no space, your child will be placed in another school where space is available.

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