School Policies and Procedures
Roberts Procedures
All visitors are asked to report to the school office to obtain a visitor’s badge to remain in the building.
If your child is leaving the school early or at lunch, please sign them out and back in at the office.
Students must discourage relatives, friends or acquaintances from “dropping in” for casual conversation or non-school-related activities. Hallways are to be calm and quiet, classrooms are not to be interrupted.
School Closures
All schools in the Vancouver School District will remain OPEN if at all possible during winter weather, including snowfalls. Any district-wide closure will be decided by 7:00 a.m. at the latest and will be announced through the media as well as through the VSB websites Please note that no announcement will be made stating that schools are open. Only closures and delayed openings will be announced. Please do not call the school for information.
Lost and Found
Our general rule is not to bring anything to school that would make you sad if it was lost, broken or stolen. If something is lost please check our Lost and Found drawers by the office. All items remaining in the drawers at the end of the year are sent to a local charity. To avoid this, please remember to put your child’s name on everything they bring/wear to school.
Consequences Related to Student Discipline
Any student who violates School Board Policy or School Rules will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include:
- Interview with an Administrator/Counsellor/Teacher;
- Notification and/or meeting with parents/guardians;
- In-school suspension;
- Community service and learning opportunities (reports, presentations, posters);
- Referral to counselling or treatment program;
- Suspension from school;
- In some cases, violation of school or district policies may also be a violation of the criminal code and result in a police investigation. Wherever possible and appropriate, focus is on consequences that are based on learning and are restorative rather than punitive;
- Suspensions.
In accordance with the School Act, Section 85(2)(ii) and (d), the Board authorizes the Principal or designate of any school in the district, to suspend a student from attendance at school for up to five days.
Suspensions may be for the following reasons:
- Because the student is willfully and repeatedly disrespectful to a teacher or to any other employee of the Board carrying out responsibilities approved by the Board.
- Because the behaviour of the student breaches the District Code of Conduct* or policy and /or has a harmful effect on others or their learning.
- Because the student behavior breaches the Roberts Code of Conduct.
Policies: Downtown Family of Schools
DFS Special Education Policy.pdf
DFS Academic Code of Conduct Policy.pdf