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School Policies and Procedures


Revised: October 2021

General Principles

 Kitsilano Secondary School is a community comprised of students, staff, and parents. We are proud of our efforts to maintain a safe, caring, and orderly environment at Kitsilano, where everyone can contribute and be successful. The guiding principle in our Code of Conduct is that everyone is expected to behave in a way that shows respect for themselves and for other people.  The Kitsilano Code of Conduct expands on these expectations and promotes the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law.

 We are KITS: Kind-Inclusive-Thoughtful-Successful

We respect and celebrate the diverse cultures, customs, religions, values, and viewpoints that make up our school community, welcoming the unique contributions that each person can offer. We encourage openness and understanding among all Kitsilano citizens. Our Code of Conduct provides a set of standards and a positive framework for our daily lives at Kitsilano. These standards help us to maintain an appropriate balance between individual and collective rights and responsibilities. The Code also applies during extracurricular activities, field trips, and whenever we represent Kitsilano off campus. We believe that students should learn to take responsibility for the decisions they make and accept the consequences of their actions. The Code of Conduct also includes the expectation that it is reasonable for staff and students to encourage each other to adhere to the standards of the code.

 At Kitsilano, students are expected to be serious about their studies and to show initiative in achieving their goals. Teachers provide help, monitor progress, give encouragement, and outline course requirements, and students in turn are expected to contribute the effort necessary to insure progress and success. We conduct ourselves in a manner that promotes achievement and encourages learning. We adhere to the Vancouver School Board policies for student behaviour, including but not limited to the following:

  •  No student may be in possession of or under the influence of illegal or non-prescribed drugs or alcohol in the school, in the vicinity of the school, or at school-sponsored events.
  • No one has to accept violence at any time at Kitsilano at any level. Violence or intimidation of any kind will not be tolerated. Violence is defined as any action, or threat of action, that causes physical or emotional injury, discomfort, or fear. Students are not permitted to have weapons. A weapon is defined as anything that is used with the intent to hurt or frighten someone. Our school is a community characterized by cooperation and conflict resolution.
  • Students are prohibited from engaging in bullying or racial, ethno-cultural, religious, or sexual harassment of any form. Discrimination & racism will not be tolerated at our school.

If you have been affected by (or know someone affected by) harassment, bullying, violence, weapons, drugs, or alcohol, it is important that you talk to a counsellor, teacher, administrator, school liaison officer, or anyone else in the school that you trust, so that others can help to solve the problem.

 Specific Items to Note

1. Attendance and Punctuality Expectations:  Students are expected to attend all their classes, on time, prepared and ready to learn. If absent, students and families have a responsibility to connect with classroom teachers to obtain and make up work missed during the absence. Please refer to the school website for details on reporting excused absences.

 Extended vacations and/or vacations during school time are a parental decision. These absences can seriously impact a student’s achievement. Marks lost due to vacation can affect the final letter grade as evaluation of student learning is based on the work of the whole year. Whenever possible, vacation time should be taken when school is not in session.

 2. Academic Integrity:  Students are expected to practice academic honesty and personal integrity by not participating in or encouraging plagiarism or cheating. Should academic dishonesty occur, the classroom teacher will develop a student success plan in collaboration with the student and their family.

 3. Clothing/Personal Accessories:  At Kitsilano we dress in a manner that is appropriate for a learning environment and does not reflect messaging or images which are offensive, discriminatory, or refer to prohibited substances.

 4. Electronic Devices:  Personal electronic devices are not permitted during class time unless permitted under the direction of the teacher.

 5. Other Banned Items:  The use of fireworks, firecrackers, laser pointers/pens, water toys or balloons, skateboards, and snowballs, is not permitted on school property.  Skateboards must remain in lockers during the school day.

6. School Environment:  We take ownership of our school and take pride in maintaining a safe and clean environment. The student and the student’s parents are jointly liable for any graffiti or other vandalism that may occur. Please obtain permission from the administration before posting or distributing any advertising or publicity material on school property. There is a Vancouver School Board policy of no smoking/no vaping in the school building, on the school grounds, and at school functions.

7. Visitors:  The school welcomes purposeful visitors, including parents and guardians. Visitors are asked to report to the office to obtain permission to remain in the building. Visitors who have no legitimate business at the school will be treated as trespassers and asked to leave.

8. Field Trips & School Outings: From time to time throughout the year, field trips are conducted by teachers as an integral part of their courses. Any student going on a field trip must appreciate that participation is a privilege and that circumstances may dictate that a student will not be granted permission by all teachers. Consent forms must be signed by the parent/guardian, classroom teachers, and returned to the sponsor teacher no later than 24 hours prior to the day of the field trip.

9. Lockers:  One locker is assigned to each student at Kitsilano. Students are responsible for maintaining their designated lockers and for the contents within their locker. Locks or lock combinations should not be shared. Personal items of value should not be left in lockers. It is each student’s responsibility to ensure that both gym and school lockers are secure (locked). Locker break-ins should be reported to the office. The school does not have insurance coverage for items lost from lockers.

NOTE: Lockers remain the property of the school; as such school authorities retain the right to inspect lockers to prevent their use in illicit ways or for illegal purposes.

 10. Public Assembly Expectations:  We believe in the value of public assemblies, both for educational and community-building purposes. To that end, we move quickly and quietly in and out of assemblies, and we are always a respectful and appreciative audience.

 11. Vehicle Regulations:  Students bringing cars to school are required to comply with all Vancouver City traffic and parking by-laws. The Vancouver School Board does not permit student parking on school property. Offending cars will be towed away, without warning, at the owner’s expense.


At Kitsilano, we are accountable for our actions. Any student who violates School Board or school policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include:

  • an interview with an administrator
  • verbal and written apologies
  • repair of harm or damage done, including relationships
  • notification and possible meetings with parents/guardians
  • behavioural contracts
  • community service
  • in-school suspension or suspension from school
  • referral to counselling or to a treatment program
  • transfer to another school or program
  • referral to the Vancouver School Board for action by the Board of Trustees
  • contact with other officials or agencies, including possible police investigation and charges under the criminal code

In all instances, the severity and frequency of unacceptable conduct, as well as the age and maturity of the students, are considered in determining appropriate disciplinary action. Students are encouraged to participate in the development of meaningful consequences. Disciplinary action, whenever possible, follows a progressive discipline plan and is preventative and restorative rather than merely punitive. The central focus is on the victim’s needs and the offender’s responsibility for repairing harm.

Special considerations may apply to students with special needs if they are unable to comply with the Code of Conduct due to having a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional, or behavioural nature.

 In the case of suspensions, in accordance with the School Act, Sec. 85(2)(ii) and (d), the Board authorizes the Principal or designate of any school in the district to suspend a student from attendance at school for up to five days. Suspensions may be for the following reasons:

  •  because a student is willfully and repeatedly disrespectful to a teacher or to any other employee of the Board carrying out responsibilities approved by the Board.
  • because the behaviour of the student breaches the District Code of Conduct or policy and/or has a harmful effect on others or the learning environment of the school.
  • because the student has failed to comply with the School Code of Conduct.

Suspensions over five days are made in consultation with the appropriate Director of Instruction as per the District Student Code of Conduct, AP 350. As per AP 350 6.7.1, an educational program must be provided.

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