Drama is an integral part of the Fine Arts program at Britannia. Students are encouraged to take risks, accept responsibility, and participate actively in the projects that are presented during the year, as well as drink coffee and stay late to play with high powered lights and expensive curtains.
Through a continuum of activities, starting in grade 8, participants in Britannia’s Drama program learn the basic elements of building a play, creating characters, gaining trust and making choices that encourage empathy and discipline. There are currently 6 courses offered in Drama at Brit. Drama 8, Drama 9/10, Drama 11, Theatre Performance 11 and Theatre Performance 12, and Theatre Production 11/12. We hope to add a Directing component to our program in the near future.
Drama Club is another aspect of Drama at Britannia. Starting with improvisation, students are encouraged to participate in extra curricular productions and activities to raise the profile of the Drama program, AKA, the basement dwellers.
Our goal is to produce two shows per year and encourage students from the entire student body to participate actively, whether it be through performance, production, or in the audience.
Britannia's drama courses are described in the Britannia Course Calendar.
"The theatre is holding up a mirror to society...if you don't like what you see, change it."
Drama is an integral part of the Fine Arts program at Britannia. Students are encouraged to take risks, accept responsibility, and participate actively in the projects that are presented during the year, as well as drink coffee and stay late to play with high powered lights and expensive curtains.
Through a continuum of activities, starting in grade 8, participants in Britannia’s Drama program learn the basic elements of building a play, creating characters, gaining trust and making choices that encourage empathy and discipline. There are currently 6 courses offered in Drama at Brit. Drama 8, Drama 9/10, Drama 11, Theatre Performance 11 and Theatre Performance 12, and Theatre Production 11/12. We hope to add a Directing component to our program in the near future.
Drama Club is another aspect of Drama at Britannia. Starting with improvisation, students are encouraged to participate in extra curricular productions and activities to raise the profile of the Drama program, AKA, the basement dwellers.
Our goal is to produce two shows per year and encourage students from the entire student body to participate actively, whether it be through performance, production, or in the audience.
Britannia's drama courses are described in the Britannia Course Calendar.
"The theatre is holding up a mirror to society...if you don't like what you see, change it."