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Office 365

Office 365 is available for Staff and Students to use for collaboration, information sharing, and to download / install copies of the Microsoft Office software and mobile apps on their personally owned computers and mobile devices.

Getting started in Office 365:

VSB has a dedicated Office 365 Support Site, where you can find more resources, FAQ and learning materials to effectively use Office 365 for your work. 

Access Office 365 by visiting and login with your VSB user id and password. Employees should enter their "VSB" and students should enter their "".

Step by step instructions on how to log into Office 365

Privacy and Security of Office 365:

Familiarize yourself with the privacy and security of Office 365 and how you can install the latest Office tools for free to your personal devices by visiting the Privacy and Security of Office 365 section.

Some ideas for how Office 365 can support your work: 

  • Create and store documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and notes (OneNote) online so they are available on any device from anywhere
  • Invite colleagues and/or students to collaboratively view or edit documents and notes
  • Create a OneNote notebook with a set of pages to support a professional learning event, a school meeting, or a brainstorming session where staff have the ability to collectively contribute their input and ideas
  • Create and administer an online survey or form
  • Create a PowerPoint presentation on a computer, store it in OneDrive, and present it using an iPhone over AirPlay to an AppleTV and projector/monitor
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