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ProD Pilot

2015-2016 event archive

Students learn in different ways. Technology assists with alternative ways to demonstrate knowledge across all curricular areas as described in the new BC curriculum.

A series of five after school workshops is available to connect teachers with colleagues to:

  • inspire and guide learners to be responsible citizens
  • focus on the use of mobile devices for meaningful learning experiences
  • encourage all learners to engage in experiences to inquire and innovate
“Inquiry demands that educators actively scan their environments, generate questions, try new approaches, observe and collect evidence, synthesize information from a variety of sources, draw conclusions and generate new questions.”

Teams from interested schools comprised of an administrator, 2 to 3 teachers and/or a teacher-librarian “Inquiry demands that educators actively scan their environments, generate questions, try new approaches, observe and collect evidence, synthesize information from a variety of sources, draw conclusions and generate new questions.”

Each workshop consists of 1 hour of exploration and essential information with an additional (optional) hour of “hands-on” learning.

Using the Spirals of Inquiry handbook, teams from each school will collaborate as they focus on:

  • critical thinking skills
  • collaboration and teamwork
  • authentic learning tasks
  • technology as a tool to add value to learning
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