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Post-Secondary Institution Information

Specific Post-Secondary Institution Information:

There is no better way to learn about specific programs at specific institutions than by consulting the information made available by the institutions themselves.  This can be done by attending information sessions at those institutions, attending information sessions hosted by Point Grey, visiting institution websites and communicating directly with representatives of the institutions.  Your counsellor will guide you through this process, but cannot be expected to know all the details for diverse programs at numerous post-secondary institutions, each with their own standards and requirements.

Letters of Reference and Forms to be Filled by the School Counsellor:

For some applications (American colleges/universities, overseas universities, some Canadian university programs, scholarships), students will be required to have school-based personnel to provide supporting documentation.  This important process takes time in order to be done most effectively in support of the student applicant.  The Counselling Department has some important guidelines for students to follow when they want this type of support from their counsellor. 

Please see the Special Applications Process for a summary, and for more details the Special Application Checklist.  

Current Communication:

Students in Grade 12 are advised to follow postings regularly made on the "Grade 12 @ Point Grey Secondary" Team.  There is new and important information updated every week, sometimes daily.  Students will need to check with this information source at least weekly, if not more frequently, in order to learn about post-secondary institution matters, scholarships, opportunities, graduation processes, and more.  We assume that students are following these postings, and therefore are keeping themselves informed about details relating to important processes, deadlines, etc.  Likewise, students in Grade 11 are referred to their "Grade 11 @ Point Grey Secondary" Team.

Ongoing Planning

Students who enter the High School Graduation Program in Grade 10 will make plans with their future interests in mind.  Course selection for Gr. 10, and in particular 11 and 12, needs to take into account requirements for employment or for admission to post-secondary programs. 

Doing research in the years that lead to graduation will help to ensure appropriate, or required, pre-requisite courses are taken.  Some of this information gathering will be done, or started, when students participate in discussions with their grade counsellor in classroom settings, small groups, or individually.  Doing research is a continual process that also involves the following:

- completing the Career Life Education 10 and Career Life Connections 12 courses.

- consulting with family members.

- taking specific courses in high school and discussions with teachers.

- conversing with peers about interests, ideas, possibilities.

- attending psi information sessions at Point Grey or in the community, and questioning the representatives.

- reading daily information bulletins and listening to P.A. announcements at school.

- accessing resources available on-line and in print form.

- going on a tour at a psi.

- participating in volunteer or paid work.

- being involved in the school community outside of subject classes.

- visiting your grade counsellor at school

- reading informational e-mails from your counsellor.


The Grade 12 Year at a Glance - Details and Rough Timeline for PSI Applications and Major Award Applications

Year-to-year, psi's may change application processes, standards, requirements, timelines, etc.  As above, the best source for accurate, up-to-date information to guide student applications is first-hand information from each institution of interest.  However, some general guidelines and a rough timeline with selected dates might help guide the application process.  

To get an idea now of what lies ahead this year, for rough reference, please see Grade 12 Year at a Glance 2019-2020Please note that this was the timeline for a past year, so dates and other details will be different in subsequent years.  

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