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School Policies and Procedures

Student Absences:  Even if a parent/guardian calls the school office to inform the school of their child's absence, the following protocol still needs to be followed: 
Students are expected to attend all classes and to be on time for each class every day.
If a student is absent, the student must give a written note for any days (or part of a day) absent.  The written note must include:
1.     Student’s full name & student number
2.     Date(s) of absence
3.     Reason for absence
4.     Parent or guardian signature

In order for the absence to be changed to an “excused absence” in the school’s data base, the note must be:
1.     Stamped at the receptionist’s desk in the office
2.     Signed by each of the student’s teachers
3.     Handed in to the receptionist in the office 
Failure to follow this process will leave the absence classified as “unexcused”.
Absences Other Than Illness

The school cannot excuse students from attending classes.  This is a parent/guardian responsibility.  If a student does miss school, particularly for an extended period, at any time of year, the student should expect this to be reflected in their marks.

Please note that the month of June is crucial for students as teachers finish and
review required curricular content and complete student assessments.  Students
who are unable to write final exams or submit required assignments due to their
absence from school during this period jeopardize their term and final standing in
subject classes.  Special arrangements cannot be made to accommodate holiday
plans or travel arrangements.  All students are expected to be in full attendance
until their final exams are completed in June.
If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact an administrator.

Students are expected to be on time for all classes.  Arriving late for class demonstrates a lack of consideration for the teacher and other students.  Those who are repeatedly late, may, after due warning including other consequences, be transferred from PW.
Leaving School Prior to the End of the Day

No student may leave early without signing out at the office unless other school based permission has been previously granted (ie. field trip, athletic event).  If the student returns to the school at a later time, the student must sign back in at the office.

Students being dismissed early for sports teams or other extracurricular activities must present the classroom teacher with a signed yellow slip at the beginning of class.
Use of Personal Electronic Devices 

A personal electronic device (PED) refers to any device that a student possesses which electronically communicates, stores, displays and/or reproduces audio/visual material.  These include devices such as, but are not limited to:  mobile phones, iPods, MP3 players, gaming devices, calculators, dictionary translators, tablets, and laptops. 
Personal Electronic Devices Policy
Instructional Time

(including time during lessons, assemblies and performances within classrooms, hallways, washrooms, assemblies, performances, and library)
These devices, including earbuds and headsets, must be turned off and out of sight if expressed permission by the teacher has not been granted.
A teacher may grant students permission to use these devices provided they are:
a)   being used for educational and/or instructional purposes with appropriate supervision. 
b)   pertaining to the student’s Individual Educational Plan (IEP)
Non-instructional Time

(including time during study periods, lunch and breaks within hallways and common areas)

Students may use their devices in common areas of the school so long as they are in accordance with the guidelines as stated below.
Guidelines for the use of Personal Electronic Devices
All use of PEDs by Prince of Wales students must be appropriate, responsible and in accordance with the school's stated Code of Conduct (REACH).
Examples of acceptable use of these devices:


▪ for the teaching-learning environment (not being a distraction to the  
  teacher or other students)
▪ for personal privacy (through audio, video and pictures)

▪ in using the devices for educational purposes
▪ through listening to or viewing appropriate/inoffensive media
▪ to your learning through attentive and on-task behaviour
▪ authorized and appropriate use of text messaging and multimedia

Please note that students must be vigilant about caring for these devices as the school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. 

Consequences of misuse:

If a staff member finds you in violation of the above policy and guidelines, they may confiscate the device from you.  Please hand over the device immediately so as not escalate the situation and ask politely how and when you can get the device back.
Subsequent violations of this policy will require your device be turned into your grade administrator who will then contact your parent/guardian to pick up the device. 
Academic/Ethics Cheating Policy
Cheating      Any attempt by a student to complete an examination or assessment
                        by unfair means. 
Plagiarism   The unacknowledged use of another person’s work (written or visual)
                        and the presentation of that work, in whole or in part, as one’s own,
                        or assisting in the act of plagiarism by allowing one’s work to be used
                        in this fashion.
Cheating or Plagiarism may include any one or more of the following:
1.     “Any use of another’s research, ideas, or language without proper attribution may                 be  considered plagiarism” (Gordon, s.d., p.l.).   This may include:
a.     presenting the words or ideas of another as one’s own
b.     submitting the same work to more than one teacher.
2.     Obtaining or providing unauthorized information during an examination, after an                 examination through verbal, visual, or unauthorized use of books, notes, texts or                   electronic devices. 
3.     Obtaining or providing information concerning all or part of an exam prior to
        the exam.
4.     Taking an exam for another student or arranging for another person to take
        an exam in one’s place.
5.     Altering test answers after submission for grading, altering grades after they
        have been awarded, or altering other academic records.
6.     Making any other attempt to improve grades using means that have not been or                  would not be approved by your teacher (example: being absent without an
        acceptable reason from a test or class assignment).
7.     Submitting an assignment more than once.
8.     Removing an exam from the test area.
9.     Assisting another student to attain credit through misrepresentation.
Consequences of Cheating or Plagiarism:

1.     The student will receive a 0 (zero) for that particular work.

2.     Parents will be contacted.

3.     The incident will be recorded and placed in a central file in the office.

4.     The incident may be recorded on the student’s file.
5.     The student may not be eligible for Honour Roll recognition, for Passport
        to Education, or for school based scholarships for that academic year.
6.     The student may be suspended or transferred from PW.
7.     The student must meet with the teacher to put closure to the matter.

No pupil is permitted to personally postpone a detention.  This applies to all pupils including those who wish to keep after school appointments or participate in extracurricular activities.  A student wishing to postpone a detention must ask the teacher concerned for permission and explain the reason for requesting the delay.  It is a serious breach of personal responsibility to fail to report for a detention.  Students failing to report for a detention may face further disciplinary action.

Dress & Grooming

Students are asked to use good judgment in dressing and grooming themselves for school situations.  Students should not wear clothes or groom themselves in a manner that disrupts the learning climate or that is a distraction to themselves and others.  Clothing and personal accessories worn to school must be appropriate. Clothing that contains inappropriate language or drug theme paraphernalia are not suitable at school.  Footwear must be worn at all times for health and safety reasons.  Proper attire is required for Physical Education classes.

Fireworks, Firecrackers & Laser Pointers

Students are not to bring fireworks, firecrackers or laser pointers to school, or to be in possession of fireworks, firecrackers or laser pointers on school property, under any circumstances. 
Roller Blades, Scooters & Skateboards

Use of roller blades, scooters and/or skateboards on school grounds or in the school building is not allowed as it poses a potential safety hazard to students.  Failure to follow this rule may result in confiscation of the item.


For safety reasons, snowball throwing is not allowed on or near school property.  Students who ignore this rule will face disciplinary action. 

Water Balloons & Water Guns

These items are not permitted on school grounds as they not only affect the educational tone but also present a potential safety hazard. 

Advertising & Distributing Materials

Students or members of the public may not post or distribute any advertising or other material on school property without the prior signed permission of an administrator.
PW:  A “Scent Awareness Zone”

Many public buildings have been declared “scent free zones” because of the number of people who have allergic reactions to various scents. As it would be difficult to enforce making PW a “scent free zone”, we are declaring Prince of Wales School a “Scent Awareness Zone”.   Please be respectful and aware of the possible negative effects that the use of scents can have on others.  We request that all students and staff be considerate of the needs of others and use scented perfumes, deodorants, etc., in moderation, if at all, and never to use or spray these items in our public areas.

Electronic Systems/Internet User Guidelines

Ethical use of the Internet is one of the school goals at Prince of Wales.  Students are required to complete a parent/student - consent/agreement form which is kept on file in the office.  This form educates students and parents of the rights and responsibilities of students accessing the Internet and is based on the Vancouver Board of Education Policy.

Access to online resources is available in the library, three flexibly scheduled labs, as well as the Mini School lab. The school is responsible for guiding and monitoring access to suitable educational resources.  However, since inappropriate material exists on the internet, it is important for students and parents to know that it is impossible for the school to control all possibilities.  The following guidelines outline our expectations for computer-use behaviour.  A breach of VBE guidelines may result in suspension of network access.
Please make note of the following Internet Safety Notes from Jesse Miller, Speaker and Principal of Miller Consulting Services – Vancouver, Canada. (
▪               Don’t give out your personal information online.
▪               Don’t post anything that would embarrass you later.
▪               Don’t believe everything you see on the Internet.
▪               Never accept gifts without your guardian's permission.
▪               Messages that make you feel uncomfortable, please report these to an adult you                   trust or someone who can help guide you to a counsellor or authorities.
▪               Don’t Be Irresponsible with your social media accounts. You do not want to be                       the next missing child on the evening news.
Prohibited Use

Following is a list of examples of prohibited conduct, without limitation.

The electronic system may not be used to:
·          transmit any materials in violation of Board Policies, local, provincial, or federal                      laws;
·          duplicate, store, download or transmit pornographic materials; transmit or post                   threatening, abusive, or obscene material;
·          duplicate, store, download or transmit copyrighted material without permission;
·          participate in pyramid schemes or chain letters; or broadcast or send unwanted or               unsolicited e-mail messages.

Security violations are prohibited, including:
·          sharing or revealing passwords
·          using or attempting to use another person's user id and/or password;
·          accessing or attempting to access any part of the system without authorization;
·          leaving an account "logged on" and unattended;
·          vandalizing or attempting to vandalize accounts, data, or systems;
·          attempting to circumvent any portion of this policy by changing or hiding the                         user's  identity; or engaging in practices that expose the electronic system to                          computer viruses.
When using the Internet, the following behaviours are prohibited:
·          use of abusive, vulgar, profane, obscene or other inappropriate language;
·          criticism of the spelling, writing, or keyboarding of others;
·          forwarding or copying e-mail to another recipient without the permission of the                   author;
·          revealing personal information about anyone;
·          revealing Board e-mail id's unless to trusted persons, sites, or organizations with a               need to know;
·          making personal attacks on individuals or groups of individuals
The electronic system is a shared resource and it must be used in a way that does not disrupt the services to others. The electronic system may not be used for:
·          business not related to the Board;
·          advertising products and/or services not related to the Board;
·          political lobbying or campaigning;
·          playing games that are not part of an authorized educational program;
·          downloading excessively large files, except with the permission of the system                         administrator(s) in low use hours; or
·          broadcasting messages or providing audio or video service not required for                             education or Board business.
 Consequences for breaking the VBE and/or PW School Policies

Any student who violates Board of Education or school policy will be subject to   disciplinary action, which may include:
- in-class consequences – such as detention
- teacher to contact parents / guardians
- notification to counsellor and/or administrator
- meeting with counsellor / teacher / administrator
- meeting with parents / guardians
- community service to the school
- in-school suspension
- formal suspension from school (up to 5 days)
- referral to a counselling or a treatment program
- transfer to another VBE school
- referral to adult education (if over the age of 16)
- expulsion form the School District  

 These consequences, whenever possible, will be preventative and restorative, rather than merely punitive. They will take into account the intensity of the behaviour and the age, maturity, and special needs, if any, of the student.

In some cases, violation of school or district policies may also be a violation of the criminal code and result in a police investigation and possible charges. The Principal or designate has a responsibility to inform other parties of serious breaches of the Code of Conduct. These parties may include: staff, parent(s) of student offender(s), parent(s) of student victim(s), school district officials, police and/or other agencies, as required by law, and/or all parents.

Office Staff

If you need support from the office staff, please come to the office during non-instructional time.  Thank you in advance for always being polite.

Administrative Assistant:   Ms. C. McKnight         Records Clerk:          Ms. A. Pooley
Accountant:                             Ms. J. Cousineau        Receptionist:            Ms. E. Landers
School Nurse:                         TBD                                        
Medical Alerts & Emergency Contact Information

It is the responsibility of the student and the parent or guardian to complete a Medical Contact Information Sheet to inform the school about any health conditions that may need emergency care during school hours (diabetes, seizures, severe allergies, etc).
School Fees

School and supplemental/enrichment fees are detailed on the website.  Prince of Wales and the Board of Trustees recognize that some families may not be able to afford certain school fees.  No student will be denied the opportunity to participate in a course or activity because of an inability to pay school fees.  If you are in financial need with respect to school fees, please talk to a counsellor/administrator.

School Photos & GoCards

All students have their photographs taken in September (see school calendar) and receive a personalized GoCard.  Photo packages are available, however, the purchase of school photographs is optional.  If the GoCard is lost, students may purchase a replacement GoCard from the school accountant for $10.

Visitors to the School

Students should be aware that in the interest of student and staff safety, all visitors, including parents and guardians, must report to the school office to obtain permission to remain in the school.  Intruders or persons who are unauthorized to be in our school or on our grounds will be treated as trespassers and will be asked to leave.  Students should report intruders to a staff member.

Phone Calls to the School

Non-emergency phone calls to the school requesting contact with students will not be accepted.  As a goal, we strive to keep disruptions to class time to a minimum. 

Homework & Home Study

It is recommended that students of grades 8 and 9 do approximately one hour of homework daily, while students of grades 10 – 12 do approximately two hours daily.  Should no homework be assigned, home study, which includes review of material studied or preview of upcoming content, is recommended.

Injuries & Illnesses Occurring at School

All injuries and illnesses occurring in school or on school grounds must be immediately reported to the office. The situation will be dealt with by the first aid attendant on duty in the office.  The parent/guardian will be called to pick up the student if necessary.  In serious cases someone should stay with the patient, while another person summons the first aid attendant.

 Before a student leaves the school due to an injury or illness, permission from the office must be obtained and office sign out procedures be followed. These procedures may include notification of a parent/guardian.           PLEASE, if you are sick, do not come to school!

 Field Trips
Any student going on a field trip must appreciate that attendance is a privilege and even though teachers normally allow students to participate, circumstances may demand that a student not be granted permission to attend.  Consent forms for field trips must be signed by a parent/guardian and all teachers affected.  The form must be returned to the sponsor teacher no later than when the notice of intended absence from class form must be signed by 24 hours prior to the day of the field trip.
Student and parents driving on field trips must complete the necessary form for additional liability coverage.  This form is available at the school office.

Field trips are school activities and all Vancouver Board of Education and school rules and expectations for student conduct apply.    


Daily Student Bulletin

Students wishing to submit bulletin notices must have the notice signed by a sponsor teacher. Submission deadline to the office: 2:00 pm the day prior to the publication.
Lockers and Theft

A locker is available free of charge for every student. The school is NOT responsible for the loss or theft of locks or of any property from lockers. The Board of Education does not carry insurance to cover thefts from lockers. Valuables should be left at home. If a theft does occur, please fill out our yellow Report of Theft form. Each student is responsible for maintaining his/her own locker. Graffiti or damage may result in the loss of locker privileges. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure both gym and school lockers are secured. Locks may be purchased at the school office for $10.00.

Lockers are school property. As such, school authorities retain the right to inspect lockers, and to prevent their use in illicit ways or for illegal purposes.  


Students riding bicycles to school should bring with them a sturdy lock and chain to secure their bicycles to fence rails or other suitable fixtures.  Please do not bring bicycles into the building.  The school accepts no responsibility for the loss of bicycles.  Please do not leave empty locks secured to school property, as they will be removed.

Student Parking and Parent Pick-up/Drop-off

Students bringing their cars to school are required to comply with all Vancouver City traffic and parking by-laws. Students are not permitted to park in the staff parking lots. For reasons of safety, parents, guardians and students are not permitted to use the staff parking areas for drop-off or pick-up purposes.  Students should be considerate of neighbours when parking on the street and to respect “residents only” parking areas.

The area directly in front of the school along Eddington Drive is a no-stopping zone. City of Vancouver Bylaw enforcement officers regularly attend the area and give out digital tickets. Please do not pick-up or drop-off students there - stop a block away from the school entrance and have students walk. 

Textbooks are issued and collected by subject teachers.  Most textbooks are provided free of charge subject to their return in good condition at the end of the course.  The care and maintenance of these books is the responsibility of each student.  A charge will be made for lost textbooks (this includes books reported as stolen) and for those returned defaced or showing undue wear.  Charges are based on replacement costs. Yearbook and other documents may be withheld if there are any outstanding charges against a student.

Yearbook Guidelines

The Prince of Wales Secondary School annual is many things, including:

a historic document of the year in the life of the school

a memento of the school year

a documentation of the accomplishments of the students and staff 

a celebration of school life

an artistic creation of the students and staff responsible for the project²  a reflection of the values of Prince of Wales Secondary and the VBE

The annual belongs to all the students of Prince of Wales, current, past, and future.  It is a document that is broadly shared throughout the community and is an important symbol of the school’s achievement.  Therefore, the following guidelines were developed to maintain a standard which reflects the values and ideals of Prince of Wales Secondary School.

Text:  Must be written in standard English prose and follow the standard rules of capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.  Initials, abbreviations, codes, slang, and slurs are not permitted.

Content:  Must meet the criteria of respect for all people and the Prince of Wales Code of Conduct.

 Visuals:  Must be respectful and in good taste.  No offensive or suggestive poses or gestures will be included.
Grad Write Ups: Must be transparent and understandable to all readers. Foreign languages are not acceptable.


Fire Alarm

  When the fire alarm sounds, all students must follow the teacher’s instructions. The general rules are as follows:

  • Students follow teacher instruction: the teacher will lead students to the designated exit.
  •  A quiet and orderly departure ensures instructions are heard.
  • Once outside, students must remain with their class and move well clear of the   building, to the back field.
  •  A PA announcement will call student to return to the school. No one is allowed to re-enter the building until instructed to do so.


Earthquake Procedures

 At the first sign of motion the following procedure must be followed:

1.     DROP-COVER-HOLD.  Seek shelter under desks or tables.

2.     Keep your back to windows and move away from windows and avoid shelves and glass cabinets.

3.     Keep away from steam heat radiators.

4.      Remain under cover and in position until at least 60 seconds after the shaking has stopped. Wait until your exit has been checked and you are instructed to leave the classroom. Remain with your class at all times.

5.     Evacuate the building. STAY CLEAR OF EXTERIOR WALLS.

6.     Assemble in the back field away from buildings, trees, poles, fallen wires, or glass. Do not enter the building unless instructed by one of the school administrators.


Lock Down Procedures

During a Lockdown, at the request of Emergency Services, or due to a potential threat from within the school, staff and students remain in classrooms until advised by Police that it is safe to exit the building. LOCK classroom doors; Turn OFF lights, and DRAW blinds and curtains. KEEP EVERYONE VERY QUIET. While in the classroom, students and staff are to be seated on the floor in the safest corner away from any sight lines through windows or doorways.  Cell phones should be silenced/face down. A LOCKDOWN is signalled by 3 short bells repeated and a PA announcement. Classes on fieldtrips or outside of the school do not re-enter. 


Hold and Secure Procedures

 Hold and Secure occurs at the request of the administration and/or Emergency Services. Typically a Hold and Secure is called when there is an incident/ potential threat OUTSIDE of the school. Students will be allowed to move freely in their classrooms and between classes during regularly scheduled breaks but may not enter or exit the building until the Hold and Secure is lifted. PE classes would not be permitted to be outside and should enter the building immediately. We lock our external doors in a Hold and Secure.


Shelter in Place Procedures

Shelter in Place occurs at the request of the administration and/or Emergency Services. Typically this is a response to an exterior environmental hazard or danger, making it unsafe to be outdoors. Students are sheltered from environmental hazards until it is safe to exit.  

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