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School Policies and Procedures

General Information 

Attendance Policy

All students are expected to attend all of their classes and be on time.  If you are absent, please bring a note from your parent(s) explaining your absence to show your teachers, and then hand it in to the office.  

Excused Absences Policy

Absences will be excused for the following reasons only: 

  • Illness
  • Medical/dental appointments (which cannot be easily scheduled outside of school hours).
  • Religious holidays and special ceremonies.
  • Bereavement/family emergency.
  • Authorized in-school service, with an administration slip.
  • Organized school activities with subject teacher’s permission

Excused Absences Procedure 

  • When a student is ill, a parent/guardian must telephone the school receptionist (604- 713-8171) about the duration of the absence.
  • Within one (1) calendar week of returning to school, the student must bring a signed note from his/her parent or guardian, which shows the student number, the date(s) absent and the reason for the absence(s).
  • The student will have the note signed by his/her subject teachers, whose classes were missed, and then take it to the office where an excused absence will be entered into the student’s record.
  • A teacher is not obliged to acknowledge a note beyond one week of the student’s return to class.  It is the student’s responsibility to see the teacher to enquire about making up any work missed during an excused absence. This is best done prior to the absence.

Any absence that does not fit the above criteria or any absence for which the above procedures are not followed will be treated as an unexcused absence.  

Unexcused Absences Policy 

  • Consequences will result from unexcused absences.
  • The loss of marks is a logical consequence of unexcused absences.
  • Students do not have the right to make up or hand in work missed because of an unexcused absence·
  • School policy does not require teachers to provide missed work, nor give extra time for assignments and  tests missed due to unexcused absences.
  • Absences due to Extended Vacations are considered to be unexcused absences. 

Unexcused Absences Procedures  

The following represents a continuum of the procedures and consequences for unexcused absences:  

Unexcused Absences Intervention Level Possible Consequences  
1-3 missed classes
in a subject

• Class Detention and/or 
• Friday School Warning form and/or 
• Phone call home by teacher and/or 
• Marks lost and/or 
• Attendance report sent home 
Further Absences Teacher/Parent/
• Interview with counsellor and/or 
• Phone call home by counsellor and/or 
• Friday School
Continued Absences Teacher/Parent/
• Attendance warning letter and/or 
• Parent interview and/or 
• Interview with administrator and/or 
• Attendance sign in card  
Chronic Absenteeism  Teacher/Parent/
Student/Counsellor/ Administration 
• Second parent interview and/or 
• Attendance contract stating possible consequences (eg. Loss of School Privileges, Suspension, Transfer) 


Lockers must be securely locked with a short-shank combination lock supplied by the school. If the combination should become known to others, the student should first exchange the locker lock with his/her P.E. lock. If this proves unsatisfactory, the lock may be exchanged for another in the main office.
Should a locker be assigned that cannot be locked or is damaged, the student should report the problem to the office. Every effort will be made to have the locker repaired. Lockers are maintained and repaired regularly.
Neither the school nor the Vancouver School Board has insurance to cover the loss by theft or damage of personal property of students or teachers. Although supervision by staff and the cooperation of students decreases the possibility of theft, students are advised to leave valuables at home and to insure that personal property left in the school is covered by their own insurance. NO MONEY OR VALUABLE SHOULD BE LEFT IN A LOCKER. Lockers are property of the school and may be opened by the administrator or police.

Any thefts from lockers should be reported to the office. 

Government and School Issued Textbooks

All textbooks required for regular courses are supplied without a rental fee. All changes for lost or damaged textbooks are replacement cost. 

Students are required to:

  • write their names on the book label inside the cover
  • take good care of all books issued.
  • refrain from marking or defacing books in any manner.
  • pay in the office for a lost books as the loss is discovered. A replacement book will be issued at the time by the subject teacher. The students must present a receipt for the payment to the subject teacher.
  • return all books at the end of the school year or when withdrawing from school.
  • pay for damage done to books at the time that they are returned to the subject teacher.  


The Lord Byng Secondary School annual is many things, including;

  • a historic document of a year in the schools existence
  • a memento of the school year
  • a documentation of the accomplishments of the students and staff
  • a celebration of school life
  • an artistic creation of the staff and students responsible for the project
  • a reflection of the values of Lord Byng Secondary and the Vancouver School Board

The annual belongs to all the students of Lord Byng, current, past and future. It is a document that is broadly shared throughout the community. Therefore the following guidelines were developed to maintain a standard which reflects the values and ideals of Lord Byng Secondary School. 


Will be written in standard English prose following the standard rules of capitalization, punctuation and grammar. Initials, abbreviations codes slangs and slurs are not permitted. The writing style of the annual is not the style students may use in e-mail, or in communication on a chat line, nor is it the spoken language of any current movie genie or music style.     


All content must meet the criteria of respect for all people and the student Code of Conduct.  


Will be respectful and in good taste.  No offensive or suggestive poses or gestures.  

Grad Write-ups 

Must be transparent, that is totally comprehensible to anyone who reads them.  Languages other than English are not acceptable. 

Code of Academic Ethics 

Definition of Cheating and Plagiarism


Is the unacknowledged use of another person’s work (written of visual) and the presentation of that work, in whole or in part, as one’s own, or assisting in the act of plagiarism by allowing one’s work to be used in this fashion.”

Is any attempt by a student to complete an examination or assessment by unfair means. Unfair means may include any one or more of the following:

  • Obtaining or providing unauthorized information during an examination through verbal, visual, or unauthorized use of books, notes, text, or other materials.
  • Obtaining or providing information concerning all or part of an examination prior to the examination.
  • Taking an examination for another student, arranging for another person to take an exam in one’s place.
  • Altering or changing text answers after submission for grading, altering or changing grades after grades have been awarded, or altering or changing other academic records once these are official.
  • Making any other attempt to improve grades using means that have not been or would not be approved by your teacher.
  • Submitting work that is not your own

Cheating Policy Consequences

On first offence:

  • The student may receive a ‘0" for that particular work.
  • The incident may be recorded on the student’s discipline file.
  • The student will not be eligible for Honour Roll recognition for that particular term.

On Second Offence:  

  • The student may not be eligible for Passport to Education for that academic year.
  • The student may not be eligible for School-based Scholarships for that academic year.
  • The student may be suspended or transferred.   

Computer Use Policy

  • Use only the account you have been registered to use.
  • Never give out your password.
  • Use equipment with care. Report faulty equipment immediately.
  • Materials that you access through the Internet from the VBE or VBE school must neither embarrass the VBE nor be considered objectionable in the workplace or classroom. Do not store any files on Lord Byng or VBE systems that would not pass this test.
  • If the material is something that the VBE would not put in its publications, or post in its buildings’ visitor lobbies, you should probably not distribute or obtain it through the Internet.
  • Respect software copyright laws.
  • Respect copyrighted materials. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
  • Misuse of our system and inappropriate access/distribution of information via the Internet will not be tolerated.


It is the objective of the Vancouver School Board to provide a smoke free working and learning environment for all employees and students. Since September 1, 1990, all Vancouver School Board buildings and grounds have been smoke free areas. Staff, students and members of the community using school facilities are not able to smoke in any area of the VBE properties.

Drugs and Alcohol

No student may be in possession of or under the influence of illegal or nonprescribed drugs or alcohol in the school, in the vicinity of the school, or at school sponsored functions. Any infraction will be considered serious and will result in the immediate implementation of school and Board policies dealing with student discipline. This may include possible suspension, withdrawal and transfer of the students involved.


Vandalism is a serious breach of students’ responsibility. The School Act, Bill 67 (10), 1989 states:
If property of a board is destroyed, damaged, lost or converted by the intentional or negligent act of a student, the student and the student's parents are jointly and severally liable to the board in respect of the act of the student.

Violence and Weapons

The Vancouver Board of Education works hard to ensure that schools are safe places for students. Board policy states that violence of any kind will not be tolerated. Any form of violence or intimidation that threatens the health, safety and welfare of students is not acceptable. Violence includes verbal, written, or physical threats, bullying, fighting and physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. Weapons are defined as anything that is used with the intent to hurt or frighten someone. Students are not permitted to have weapons. Any student found with a weapon, involved in a violent act, or soliciting others to commit an act of violence will face disciplinary action. 

What Should I Do If I…?

If you have been affected by, or know of others who have been affected by harassment, violence, weapons, drugs, or alcohol, it is important that you talk to a counsellor, teacher, administrator, school liaison officer, or anyone else in the school that you trust, so that others can help to solve the problem.


Students and parents expect schools to be safe, where students can learn and teachers can teach in a warm and welcoming place, free from bullying, intolerance and violence.

Bullying is a pattern of aggressive behaviour meant to hurt or cause discomfort to another person.   There are three types of bullying:

  • physical, where a person is harmed or their property damaged
  • verbal, where a person’s feelings are hurt through insults and name-calling
  • social, where a person is shunned or excluded from groups and events.

Any student involved in bullying in any form will face disciplinary action.


The Vancouver Board of Education recognizes that every individual should be treated with respect and dignity and therefore has the right to be free from harassment in our schools and workplaces. A positive and welcoming work and learning environment protects and promotes the self-esteem, worth, and human rights of every person and supports mutual respect and cooperation among individuals. Any student involved in racial, ethno-cultural, religious, or sexual harassment in any form will face disciplinary action.   

Skateboards and Scooters

Lord Byng rules do not permit skateboards in the school building or on the school grounds. Skateboards may be used on the tennis courts when classes are not in session. This means no wheels on the ground. If skateboards and scooters are your transportation to school they are carried to your locker where they remain during the school day and then carried to the perimeter of the property.   

Electronic Devices

Electronic devices are not to be used during instructional time, unless as part of an individual or group educational program as designed by a teacher. Electronic devices are not to be used to record or photograph others in the school or on school property without previously received permission. Students will not play games on their electronic devices during class. Inappropriate use of an electronic device will result in confiscation and later return of the device by the grade administrator.

Laser pointers are not permitted at school.    


The elevator is to be used by staff and students approved by the Administration.   


The Vancouver Board of Education policy allows for VBE personnel, VBE elected officials and VBE students from other schools participating in sanctioned events to be at Lord Byng. All other persons who are visiting the school are to report to the office. Anyone found on the premises who does not have an acceptable reason as listed above may be charged under Section 177 of the School Act. Similarly, Lord Byng students are not permitted to visit other schools while those schools are in session, unless they are visiting for a school sanctioned event. 

Posting Notices in School 

Student and staff are asked not to put any notices on the walls of the school.  Notices should be posted on bulletin boards or surfaces that will not be damaged by tape.  

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