Our Staff
Administration: | ||
Mr. R. Mirani | Principal | amirani@vsb.bc.ca |
Ms. B. Dowle | Vice Principal | bdowle@vsb.bc.ca |
Counsellors: | ||
Lin, Danniel | SPARTS Coordinator, Gr.12 | dlin@vsb.bc.ca |
Miladinovic, Patricia (Mon/Wed/Fri) Tanabe, Sharon (Tue/Thur) | Gr.11, Gr.8 (S-Z) | pmiladinov@vsb.bc.ca stanabe@vsb.bc.ca |
Nordman, L. (Wed/Thur) Tanner, K. (Mon/Tue/Fri) | Gr.10, Gr.8 (I-R) | lnordman@vsb.bc.ca ktanner@vsb.bc.ca |
McNeill, Ashleigh | Gr.9, Gr.8 (A-H) | amcneill@vsb.bc.ca |
Office Staff: | ||
Carpenter, Zoya | Records Clerk | zcarpenter@vsb.bc.ca |
Kwong, Debbie | School Secretary | dkwong@vsb.bc.ca |
Li, Jun | School Accountant | jli@vsb.bc.ca |
Russell, Christina | Receptionist | crussell@vsb.bc.ca |
Support Staff: | ||
Chan, Elisabeth | Settlement Worker | echan@vsb.bc.ca |
Khunkhun, Jamie | Safe & Caring School Liaison | jjkhunkhun@vsb.bc.ca |
Jolin, Susan | School & Student Support Worker | sjolin@vsb.bc.ca |
Edwards, Michael | School & Student Support Worker | medwards@vsb.bc.ca |
Oosthoek, Hailey | SACY Worker | hailey.oosthoek@vch.ca |
So, Marco | School & Student Support Worker | mso@vsb.bc.ca |
Song, Susanna | Multicultural Worker | ssong@vsb.bc.ca |
Tingle, Beverley | School &Student Support Worker | btingle@vsb.bc.ca |
Udayabhanu, Suraya | School & Student Support Worker | smanayiludayabhanu@vsb.bc.ca |
Wilson, Brian | School & Student Support Worker | bpwilson@vsb.bc.ca |
Wu, Daniel | School & Student Support Worker | ddwu@vsb.bc.ca |
Please email transcript requests and student absences to magee@vsb.bc.ca | ||
Teacher’s Last Name | Teacher's First Name | Email Address |
Ahn | Mary | mahn@vsb.bc.ca |
Beattie | Kenneth | krbeattie@vsb.bc.ca |
Bezjak | Kevin | kbezjak@vsb.bc.ca |
Bourgh | Kyla | kbourgh@vsb.bc.ca |
Brownrigg | Rick | rbrownrigg@vsb.bc.ca |
Bylsma | Dieder | dbylsma@vsb.bc.ca |
Byrne | Meghan | mbyrne@vsb.bc.ca |
Chalmers | Holly | hchalmers@vsb.bc.ca |
Chan | Vincent | vwchan@vsb.bc.ca |
Chen | Pamela | pchen@vsb.bc.ca |
Collier | Michael | mcollier@vsb.bc.ca |
Eng-Reyes | Jennifer | jengreyes@vsb.bc.ca |
Fernandes | David | dfernandes@vsb.bc.ca |
Forbes | Caroline | cforbes@vsb.bc.ca |
Forgeron | Jann Marie | jmforgeron@vsb.bc.ca |
Fung | Desiree | dfung@vsb.bc.ca |
Grier | Sandra | sgrier@vsb.bc.ca |
Hall | Steve | sjhall@vsb.bc.ca |
Hampson | Kevin | khampson@vsb.bc.ca |
Hawbolt | Kelly | khawbolt@vsb.bc.ca |
Hoffmann | Thomas | thoffmann@vsb.bc.ca |
James | Susanna | sjames@vsb.bc.ca |
Jay | Norman | njay@vsb.bc.ca |
Koloska | Irmgard | ikoloska@vsb.bc.ca |
Kuk | Helen | hkuk@vsb.bc.ca |
Kurzak | Oliver | okurzak@vsb.bc.ca |
Lee | Michael | mglee@vsb.bc.ca |
Lehmann | Renate | rlehmann@vsb.bc.ca |
Lin | Danniel | dlin@vsb.bc.ca |
MacGarvie | Noemi | nmacgarvie@vsb.bc.ca |
Mah | Wayne | wvmah@vsb.bc.ca |
Mahnger | Ruby | rkmahnger@vsb.bc.ca |
Mallet | Brittney | bmmallett@vsb.bc.ca |
McNeill | Ashleigh | amcneill@vsb.bc.ca |
Miladinovic | Patricia | pmiladinov@vsb.bc.ca |
Morrison | Hamish | dhmorrison@vsb.bc.ca |
Muckle | Zoe | zmuckle@vsb.bc.ca |
Ogden | Nancy | nogden@vsb.bc.ca |
Ollerenshaw | Keith | kollerenshaw@vsb.bc.ca |
Printz | Lisa | laprintz@vsb.bc.ca |
Quan | Greg | gquan@vsb.bc.ca |
Quan | Tina | tquan@vsb.bc.ca |
Ritchie | Joe | jritchie@vsb.bc.ca |
Robinson | Andrew | arobinson@vsb.bc.ca |
Ropchan | Kate | kropchan@vsb.bc.ca |
Saatchi | Parvaneh | psaatchi@vsb.bc.ca |
Salkey | Jordan | jsalkey@vsb.bc.ca |
Scott | James | jiscott@vsb.bc.ca |
Serban | Christopher | cserban@vsb.bc.ca |
Sheldan | Dory | dsheldan@vsb.bc.ca |
Smith | Tracy | ttsmith@vsb.bc.ca |
Stancombe | Terin | tstancombe@vsb.bc.ca |
Tanabe | Sharon | stanabe@vsb.bc.ca |
Taylor | Jesse | jtaylor@vsb.bc.ca |
Thale | Anu | athale@vsb.bc.ca |
Thrift | Gordon | gthrift@vsb.bc.ca |
Ting | Pierre | pting@vsb.bc.ca |
Tsang | Christopher | cctsang@vsb.bc.ca |
Von Salzen | Katrina | kkvonsalzen@vsb.bc.ca |
Wang | Sarah | swang@vsb.bc.ca |
Waterman | Michael | mwaterman@vsb.bc.ca |
Wong | Hubert | htwong@vsb.bc.ca |
Yuen | Matthew | myuen@vsb.bc.ca |