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English Language Learner

Tupper's ELL Program

Ms. T. Baron | Department Head   

 English Language Learners at Tupper receive support based on their language skills, as measured with the BC Provincial Standards for ELL

Student writing, reading, and oral language skills are assessed and described using the Provincial scale: 


Then students are placed in ELL classes to provide additional language learning support when needed:

 Beginning ELL: Students at the Beginning and Developing level tend to read at or below the Grade 2 reading level. They receive 3 classes of ELL support with a language learning specialist: Reading, Writing, and Social Studies.

Intermediate ELL:  Students at the Expanding Level read below a Grade 3.5 reading level. They receive 3 classes of language learning support: Reading, Academic Writing, and Social Studies.

Advanced Language Development: English Language Learners who have successfully completed Transitional ELL or English and Socials 10 may still need more advanced academic writing support. They are placed in one block of writing support, which provides Grade 11 credit towards graduation.

Two District ELL Programs

In addition to our regular ELL Program, we host the District Senior Literacy and Junior Literacy programs to support resident English Language Learners with specific needs. Please contact the VSB Newcomer Welcome Centre <> for information about program intake.

Course Name

Beginning ELL
 Three Blocks of English Language Learning for Students in Levels 1 and 2

Grade Levels

8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Course Code

For Grades 8 and 9: XLDCE08RE1, XLDCE08SS1, XLDCE08WR1

For Grades 10, 11, and 12: XLDCE09RE1, XLDCE09SS1, XLDCE09WR1

Recommended Prerequisite Course(s)

None. Students are referred to ELL classes by the Newcomer Welcome Centre, International Education, or previous elementary/secondary schools.

Course Description & Content

Beginning ELL Reading, Socials, and Writing classes build basic communication skills to support future integration in the graduation program.


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