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What does a high school counsellor do?

All of the counsellors here at Tupper are available to provide Personal, Academic and Career Counselling. 

Personal Counselling Includes:

  • Discussing Relationship Issues (Friends or Family)
  • Discussing Issues around:
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Grief/Loss
  • Self-Esteem
  • Conflict Management
  • Exploring your Strengths, Needs, Values 

Academic Counselling Includes:

  • Help to set and achieve academic/educational goals
  • Help in discovering strengths and needs when it comes to  educational success
  • Assist in questions about Program and Course Selection
  • Provide tips on: study methods, techniques and environments
  • Provide general information about Post-Secondary, Admission Requirements and Scholarships 

Career Counselling Includes:

  • Helping explore Personal Goals, Aptitudes, Interests, Achievements, and Career Plans
  • Help show the correlation between School Subjects, Extracurriculars and Work/Careers
  • Help in developing Job Search Skills, and Application Strategies


In addition to the above, a Tupper counsellor:

-Helps with course planning and problem solving with student course schedules. 

-Offers counselling in a crisis, including suicide risk assessment, and offers support in finding ongoing outside counselling, if needed. 

-Teaches and facilitates guidance lessons.  

-Facilitates access to medical or financial supports for students and families in need, and external health and wellness supports in the community. 

-Takes a student-centered approach to confidential counselling, whenever possible. 

- Attends appointments and meetings for/with students working with outside agencies, as needed (BC Children's Hospital, MCFD, Child and Youth Mental Health) 

-Helps students explore alternative or enrichment and career options within the VSB. 

-Meets with students and their families to help support students academically, emotionally, and socially. 

-Writes letters for scholarships 

-Attends School Based Team meetings 

-Attends discipline meetings with administration as the student's advocate 

How do I know which counsellor to contact?

Grade 9-12 students have a single counsellor, while grade 8s are shared alphabetically among the counsellors.   

CANCAR, M.                    Local 7602

Grade 10 Counsellor
Grade 8 Counsellor, Last Names A - J

Link Crew Coordinator


HIGENBOTTAM, W.        Local 7604 

Grade 11 Counsellor
Grade 8 Counsellor, Last Names S - Z

Link Crew Coordinator

 LEE, J.                                      Local 7601

Grade 12 Counsellor

WALL, J.                           Local 7601

Grade 9 Counsellor
Grade 8 Counsellor, Last Names K - R

Who can I contact in my community for help if I am concerned about a counselling-related concern?

Vancouver Crisis Centre: Distress Line- 604-872-3311 

Online Support for Youth:

Child and Youth Mental Health: Raven Song,2450 Ontario St. 3rd Floor, intake Tuesdays 9am-4pm, 604 872-8441

Substance use and prevention concerns: SACY Program

Tupper contact: Tara Bigdeli 

Suicide Prevention:

Tell someone, like a school counsellor, if you have concerns or thoughts about suicide. Call the Suicide prevention line- 1-800-SUICIDE Call 911 directly if it is an emergency

General resources for mental wellness:


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