Library Events
Raise-a-Reader Day at Tecumseh

Canucks Family Education Centre (Jean Rasmussen-Executive Director) has selected Tecumseh as recipient for books from a book drive (new and gently used). CFEC's mandate is to support family literacy (i.e. putting books in hands of students to read at home with parents).

On Wednesday, September 15th, CFEC arrived in our library with the Canucks Mascot Fin. Thanks to CFEC, every student at Tecumseh choose a free book to take home. Students and staff were all excited to welcome Fin and to receive their free book. Happy Reading Tecumseh!
Lee Edward Fodi's Visit

When author Lee Edward Fodi visited on Tuesday, March 5th, 2013, he put on a presentation called “Meet the Wiz”, which was designed to inspire and invigorate students of all reading and writing levels. He demonstrated how artwork inspires his writing process, and led students in an interactive drawing workshop, where each student created his or her own creature. He also encouraged students to write a story based on the character they created.
For more information on Lee Edward Fodi you can visit his website.

On Monday, February 25th, a group of Grade 10 Planning students from David Thompson Secondary presented a wide variety of workshops to Grade 4 students at an iMentorship Conference at Tecumseh Elementary. The Grade 10 students prepared a variety of fun and interactive workshops addressing a wide range of on-line issues. This conference provided a unique and engaging opportunity for Grade 4 students to learn about being safe and responsible on the Internet. This conference helped to further develop critical thinking skills around issues pertaining to internet safety and will help students make good decisions regarding their own online behaviour, protecting private information, and keeping safe from cyber bullying.

Pink Shirt Day
Pink Shirt Day is an annual anti-bullying event.