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General Objectives

The provincially prescribed curriculum for French/Spanish/Mandarin is structured in terms of the following organizers:
·         Communicating
·         Acquiring information
·         Experiencing creative works
·         Understanding the culture
Program materials are based on the communicative/experimental approach, using the second language to acquire information, to share ideas, to get things done, to perform tasks, and to enhance understanding of the culture.
Emphasis is on the development of communication skills of listening, reading, speaking, writing, viewing, and representing.
Materials and Work Habits
1.    A well-organized and current notebook is required.
2.    Students are requested to bring required materials (notebook, pen, marking pen, workbook, and textbook) to each class period.
3.    Students are asked to cover textbooks.
4.    Homework will be assigned each period. Students should complete the assigned work to the best of their ability.
5.    Extra help is available for students experiencing difficulty. There is a Homework Club held every day except Friday after school as follows: Mondays in room 320, Tuesdays in room 321, Wednesdays in room 210, and Thursdays in room 111. Drop by any time!
6.    Regular attendance is of particular importance in courses such as languages which are recursive and cumulative in nature and which emphasize the development of listening and speaking skills as well as reading and writing skills. Irregular attendance will adversely affect progress.
Students are responsible for completing and work missed during absences.
Students are requested to bring notes for absences from a parent or guardian.
Cheating and plagiarism, including online translations, are serious offences and will result in a score of zero. Read your agenda for more on this school policy.
Since language is acquired in a spiraling, recursive process, evaluation is varied and is done on a regular, ongoing basis. Students are encouraged to use this information to redirect their efforts, modify their learning strategies, and establish future learning goals.
1.    Frequent assessment is done throughout each term (quizzes, drills, tests, projects, unit reviews).
2.    Evaluation will include listening, speaking, reading, writing, and representing components.
3.    If possible, students will be allowed to make up tests missed because of legitimate absences.
4.    Percentages follow Ministry of Education guidelines.
5.    Weighing of terms: Term 1- 25%, Term 2-30%, Term 3-35% and 10% for the final exam.

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