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Physical and Health Education

Physical and Health Education is a required course for all grade 8, 9 and 10 students. The curriculum comprises of four main areas: physical literacy, healthy and active learning, social and community health, and mental well-being. The department objective is to foster a healthy lifestyle through life-long participation in physical activity, based on a broad foundation of skills, knowledge, and participation. The goal of the Physical and Health Education Department is to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to incorporate physical activity into regular routine and leisure pursuits to live an active healthy lifestyle. This goal will be met by a variety of activities from each grade specific curriculum. Teachers may enhance activities by bringing in special instructors and/or taking students on field trips.

Courses being offered include:

  • Physical and Health Education 8
  • Physical and Health Education 9
  • Physical and Health Education 10
  • Physical and Health Education 10 New Faces Leaders (NFL)
  • Leadership: New Faces Leaders (NFL) 11/12
  • Active Living 11/12
  • Athletic Coaching 12 (Basketball)
  • Athlete Development 11 (Basketball)
  • Athlete Development 12 - Volleyball Theory & Practice
  • Fitness & Conditioning 11/12
  • Physical & Health Education: Games and Sports 11/12

Come Prepared for PHE Classes!

Students are expected to wear appropriate athletic wear and shoes for PHE classes and change clothes before and after classes.  Students are advised to bring to school:

  • a change of clothes including athletic wear appropriate for outdoor activities in all weathers.  Classes may go outside in the rain or snow.  Please check weather ahead of time and pack/dress accordingly.
  • a lock to secure bags, clothes and etc. in lockers in change rooms.  School-issued locks are available for purchase.  There is a higher risk of theft in change rooms.  Valuables such as phones and money are not recommended to be brought to classes and should instead be locked up in the students' lockers in hallway. 
  • a water bottle.
  • a parent note, if students need to be excused for participation in PHE classes due to illnesses or injuries.

Individual PHE teachers will each have their own class expectations and will go over those along with other guidelines at the beginning of each semester.  We hope you enjoy your PHE classes here at DT! 

DT PE strips and school-issued locks are available for purchase on SchoolCash Online.

T-shirt$15 each
Shorts$25 per pair
Sweatpants$30 per pair
T-shirt & Shorts Bundle$35 per set
T-shirt & Sweatpants Bundle$40 per set
Lock$19 each

Please go to gym and look for Ms. W. Monk to pick up orders after payment.  In the first month of each semester, i.e., September and February, Room 265 is open on Tuesday-Friday during lunch break for order pick-up. 

Teaching Staff:

Boyes, C
Choi, J
Ee, B
Lee, J
Monk, W
Wan, W
Wong-Moon, L

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