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Business Education

To meet the needs of every student, the Business Education Program is designed for continuous progress through exploration and use of the community and its resources. Students leave school with the skills necessary for future success in their personal and professional lives.

In the past, the Business Education Program has emphasized employment skills. Now, the focus is on career awareness, technology, and new options open in present and future employment. These include special training in selected career areas like information management, marketing and accounting.

This Department's program provides:

  1. Personal life skills, employment skills and post-secondary preparation.
  2. Practical application of concepts and process learned in other disciplines.
  3. Application of current business technologies and opportunities to explore related careers.
  4. Interaction between the school and the workplace.
  5. An awareness of the effect of technological, economic and cultural changes on our values, social structure and employment opportunities.
  6. An awareness of individual responsibilities as citizens of a global economy.

The Business Education Department also offers other introductory and enrichment courses listed below, as well as Career Preparation Programs.

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