The Mathematics program is designed to provide every student with a sound working knowledge of mathematics necessary to succeed in their chosen post-graduation field.

- Workplace Mathematics – pathway designed to provide students with the mathematical understanding and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into the majority of trades and for direct entry into the work force. Topics include algebra, geometry, measurement, number, and statistics.
- Foundations of Mathematics – pathway designed to provide students with the mathematical understanding and critical-thinking skills identified for post-secondary ARTS program (such as humanities, fine arts, law and social sciences, disciplines that do not require the study of theoretical calculus). Topics include algebra and number, financial mathematics, geometry, measurement, logical reasoning, relations and functions, statistics and probability. In grade 10, the Foundations and Pre-Calculus courses are combined.
- Pre-Calculus – pathway designed to provide students with the mathematical understanding and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into post-secondary SCIENCE programs (such as math, science, engineering, or business/commerce, disciplines that require the study of theoretical calculus). Topics include algebra and number, relations and functions, trigonometry and problem solving.
The choice between these three distinct pathways is generally determined by interest, ability, and post-secondary aspirations. Students are strongly recommended to become informed about the course requirements of individual college and university for specific areas/programs of interest.
*** Pre-Calculus is an academically demanding and sophisticated pathway that requires significant dedication and hard work. Students wishing to pursue math, science, engineering, or business/commerce in post-secondary but find Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 difficult should first take Foundations 11 to improve skills before tackling Pre-Calculus 11.