Library / Learning Commons

Your friendly teacher-librarians are: Ms. McGinn, Ms. Wilson and Ms. Agosti
We have a wide variety of materials for student use:
- lots of novels in English & French (paperback, hardcover, ebooks and audiobooks)
- lots of non-fiction books
- a small Reference collection, including IB study guides, and more!
- 40 computers for Internet access, word processing, printing and for using Destiny - our online catalogue.
- ALSO, we have an excellent digital library, just log in to see what's available on the homepage. Get a bookmark with passwords from the library for logging in at home.
YOU NEED: a go-card (SEE BELOW) to borrow materials; money to pay for printing or photocopying (25 cents a side); and a smile.
MONDAY 8:15 - 3:30
TUESDAY 8:15 - 3:30
WEDNESDAY 8:15 - 3:30
THURSDAY 8:15 - 3:30
FRIDAY 8:15 - 3:15
During lunch hour, we are open the second half only from 12-12:17.
NO FOOD IN THE LIBRARY - any drinks must be in a screw-top container and kept closed.
- students must follow the school's user guidelines;
- passwords are required to use any computer but the designated Online Catalogue machines;
- general Library rules also apply in the lab - especially NO FOOD or OPENED DRINKS.
You will need to use your Go-Card card to sign out any materials. There will be no exceptions: NO GO-CARD! NO SIGN-OUT! So make sure to carry your Go-Card with you whenever you come to the Library - with a class or on your own. Go-cards are distributed at the beginning of the school year to all students who have their photo taken - the previous year's Go-Card will function until the new one is received. Remember, you are responsible for all items signed out with your Go-Card.
TO BECOME a monitor, apply in the fall– watch for announcement in Teams for the application process. You can always come and ask us too! WE TAKE a small group of students who are willing to commit at least two 1/2 hour shifts a week. YOUR DUTIES will be varied and extremely useful to the Library. Basically, we wouldn’t survive well without you! Here are some of the tasks you will do:
- Sign materials in and out using the automated system
- Shelve materials
- Make sure materials are in the right place and in the correct order
- Handle money for printing and the photocopier
- Assist students with online searching
- Smile and have fun!
YOU WILL learn a variety of skills and receive either Service or CAS points.
As a Community Service student you will be trained by the Teacher-librarians in all aspects of the job. You may also assist volunteers working in the Library. There will be a variety of tasks. The job is intensely clerical and quite different than working as a C/S student for other teachers. It is very important that you ask questions - the work MUST be accurate.
The duties of a Library Community Service Student incorporate the following:
- handling the circulation desk and the automated circulation system (Destiny)
- shelving materials
- shelf reading (making sure items are correctly shelved)
- processing new materials
- answering the phone
- computer work, i.e. word processing, working with spreadsheets, searching the Internet
- setting up displays
- assisting students with using the search terminals to locate Library materials
- helping with parties
- PLUS performing a variety of clerical and technical tasks
If you have any special strengths/talents that you want to use, e.x. calligraphy, artistic ability, computer skills - let us know. Working with us is just like working in any library and so being a Community Service student in the library is like work experience or job preparation. You will be developing skills useful for any job: time management, good work habits, business skills such as customer service and telephone skills.... We are happy to give reference letters at the end of the year. Because being a Community Service student in the library mimics a paid work situation, certain behaviours on your part are a given: good attendance, punctuality, a positive attitude and a desire to do the best you can. We will expect you to take this course seriously, to learn and to become competent in a variety of skills and to gain a general understanding of the workings of a library. You will receive letter grades and percentages in this course and be marked on the following:
- attendance - if you miss over 20% of the course in excused or unexcused absences you will be in danger of failing unless arrangements are made to make up time;
- general attitude: interested in learning, friendly, working well with others, willing to work hard and chip in;
- work habits – this includes doing your best, learning the tasks and executing them well and with accuracy, demonstrating good problem solving skills, being neat and tidy, gaining an understanding of the basic routines;
- self-motivation - looking for more work, seeing what needs to be done and doing it.