Archive Pre-Calculus 11 2015-2016
Assignments (may not always be up to date)
(Most recent assignments listed first)
Chapter 8
p 484 #3-9 (2 letters)
p 435 #2-6, 8-12 (10)
p 451 #1-3
Extra Practice Sheets
Solving Systems by Graphing by Hand
Checking/Verifying Solution(s) to Systems of Equations
Solving Systems with Technology
Solving Systems using Substitution
Solving Systems using Elimination
Solving Systems with Fractions
Number of Solutions for Systems of Equations
Chapter 7
- p 413 Bonus
- p 410 Review
- 7.2/3/4 Handout ( 1 letter each)
- p 403 #4-9 (3 letters)
- p 403 # 1-3
- p 389 #4-6, 15
- p 375 #1-10 (OL) 11-13, 22
- p 363 #1-4, 6, 7
Video Links
Introduction to Graphing Reciprocals
Solving Absolute Value Equations
Solving Absolute Value Equations Part 2
Graphing Absolute Value Functions
Evaluating Absolute Value Expressions
Extra Practice Sheets
- Extra Practice 7.1.pdf
- Extra Practice 7.2.pdf
- Extra Practice 7.3.pdf
- Extra Practice 7.4.pdf
- Extra Practice CH7 Answers.doc
Chapter 6
- Bonus P 355 # 1-9, 13
- P 354 Review # 1-15, 19, 20, 22 (P 350 # 18) (2 or 3 letters)
- Handout Practice Problems 1-3 ch 2 # 31, 32, 33, 34, 36
- Handout 143 / unit 6 omit 4
- P 348 # 11, 14, 24, 25a, 27
- P 348 # 1-8, 10
- P 336 # 1-7 (OL), 8, 9 10ab, (12), (15)
- P 327 # 3-7 (OL), 8-10, 12
- P 327 #1, 2, 19
- P 317 #1, 3-11, 13 (2 letters)
Video Links
Combined Work Problems (Rational Equations)
Distance Rate Time Problems (rational equations)
Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions with common denominators
Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions with Different Denominators
Multiple operations with Rational Expressions
Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
Equivalent Rational Expressions
Simplifying Factored Rational Expressions
Simplify Non-Factored Rational Expressions
Extra Practice Sheets
- Extra Practice 6.1.pdf
- Extra Practice 6.2.pdf
- Extra Practice 6.3.pdf
- Extra Practice 6.4.pdf
- Extra Practice CH6 Answers.doc
Chapter 2
- p 129 Bonus #1-12
- p126 Review #1-23 (17,24)
- p 96 #10-13, 16, 19
- p 96 #1-6, 8, 9
- p 83 #1-8, 17
- p 119 #2, 3b, 4def, 10, 12, (23)(24)
- p 119 # 1, 3a, 4abc, 6
- Handout 8,7 #1-12
- p 108 #1-5
- 45-45-90 and 30-60-90 Triangles (every 2nd question)
- Extra Practice 29/30 (odd letters)
- Handout 538/536 (every 2nd)
- Extra Practice 29/30 (odd letters)
Extra Practice Sheets
- Extra Practice 2.1.pdf
- Extra Practice 2.2.pdf
- Extra Practice 2.3.pdf
- Extra Practice 2.4.pdf
- Extra Practice CH2 Answers.doc
Video Links
Sine Law Ambiguous Case part 1
Finding Trig ratio from a point
Finding exact values of Trig functions
Finding an angle from a Trig Ratio
Trig ratios of 0,90,180,270 degrees
Standard Position and Reference Angles
Chapter 1
- p 69 Bonus #1-10
- p 66 Review #1-23 a (omit 15)
- p 63 8 (10) 16
- p 53 8-10, 14, 20, 22
- p 63 #1, 2, 3ab, 4, 5ac, 6
- p 53 #3bc, 4bc, 5, 6, 7 (try logs to find n)
- p 39 #1-7(2 letters) 9, 10, 14, 20
- p 27 #1-6 + 3 word problems
- p 16 #1-9, 13
Extra Practice Sheets
- Extra Practice 1.1.pdf
- Extra Practice 1.2.pdf
- Extra Practice 1.3.pdf
- Extra Practice 1.4.pdf
- Extra Practice 1.5.pdf
- Extra Practice CH1 Answers.doc
Geometric Sequences (Module 1)
Geometric Sequences (Module 2)
Sequence and Series Formula Definitions
Chapter 5
- Bonus: Practice Test #1-15 #10 replace 19d
- p 304 #1-21 (12,15) Review
- 5.3 Ext Practice 1-5 Restrictions only
- p 300 #5-9 (2 letters) 10ab, (no 9d)
- p 300 #1-4
- p 289 #10, 11, 17, 21
- p 289 #6-8
- p 289 #1-5 (3 or 4 letters)
- P 278 #5-10, 18, 20
Extra Practice Sheets
Video Links
Solving Radical Equations with One Radical Term
Solving Radical Equations with Two Radical Terms
Rationalizing a Monomial Denominator
Rationalizing a Binomial Denominator
Chapter 4
- Bonus p261 #1-10
- p251 #4, 5 (with calc)
- p258 #1-21 Review
- (p254 #1,2, 7ad, 14, 15, 21)
- p254 #3-6 OL
- p241 #5-7 (4 letters)
- p215 #1-3
- p229 #7-12 (17)
Video Links
4.3 Solving Quadratic Equations using Square Root Method
4.3 Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square/Square Root Method
4.1 Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing
4.2 Factoring with a Leading Coefficient
4.2 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
4.2 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring: Problem Solving
Four Methods for Solving Quadratics - Introduction
Extra Practice Sheets
- Extra Practice 4.1.pdf
- Extra Practice 4.2.pdf
- Extra Practice 4.3.pdf
- Extra Practice 4.4.pdf
- Extra Practice CH4 Answers.doc
Chapter 3
- p201 Practice Test (Bonus)
- p198 #1-16 Review
- p192 #21, 22, 24
- p192 #18, 19
- p157 #11, 21, 24, 25
- p192 #3, 4, 7ad, 8a, 10
- p192 # 1,2
- p174 # #1-3, 4ab, 6, 9, 10
- p157 # 1-4, 6-9
- Investigate #5
- Investigate #1,4
- Handout 91/94
- Handout 90/84
Extra Practice Sheets
Video Links
Chapter 3 - Quadratic Functions
3.1 Transforming the Vertex Form of a Quadratic Function
3.1 Determining the Vertex form From a Graph or Information
3.2 Investigating Quadratic Functions in Standard Form
3.3 Completing the Square using Algebra Tiles
3.3 Graphing by Completing the Square
3.1 Quadratic Function Applications A (TOC)
3.1 Quadratic Function Applications B (TOC)
3.3 Completing the Square with a Leading Coefficient