Archive Foundations and Pre Calculus 10E
FMPC 10 Assignments - not always up to date:
- Bonus - 8 extended it further questions
- Ch8/9 Review P180 #1-13, P203 #1-21
- 173 Handout
- 170 Handout
- 163/167 Handout
- P 197 #6-11
- P 193 #4-7,11,14
- P 197 #1-5
- P 193 #1-3
- P 171 #1b, 3b
- P 179 #1, 4, 6
- P 171 #1, 2 (OL), 4
- Gyro Bakery 159 (16c)
- DD 61/67 or 154/160
- P 158 # 1-14 Review
- Long Worksheet
- P 152 # 1-7, 9
- P 148 # 1-8
- P 156 # 1 - 4, 7, 9-13
- Handout 159/160
- Handout DD-61/67
- Handout P 129 / 130
- Handout P.125
- Extra Practice 7.1.pdf
- Extra Practice 7.2.pdf
- Extra Practice 7.3.pdf
- Extra Practice 7.4.pdf
- Extra Practice CH7 Answers.doc
Video Links
- P 134 Review
- P 132 # 1-12
- P 128 #1-9, 11
- P123 #1-8
- 45/45/90 Every 3rd
- P119 #1-8
- P 115 # 1-10
- Extra Practice 6.1.pdf
- Extra Practice 6.2.pdf
- Extra Practice 6.3.pdf
- Extra Practice 6.4.pdf
- Extra Practice 6.5.pdf
- Extra Practice CH6 Answers.doc
Video Links
- Section 3.3 Extra Practice
- Bonus Cumulative or Extend it
- P 51 ALL Review
- P 48 # 1-10 (11, 12)
- Pizzaz CC- 59 / 230
- Pizzaz 229 / CC - 58
- CC 56
Extra Practice Sheets
Video Links
- Bonus (extended or cumulated) review
- Review
- P29 #1-6 all, 8-20 even #s
- P25 # 1-6
- P21 #1-17
Extra Practice Sheets
Video Links
- Bonus P15 or P17 or 1.7 Handout
- P13 Review
- P10 # 1-7
- P6 #1-8, 10, 12
- P3 #1, 3-8 (10)
Extra Practice Sheets
Video Links
- BONUS extra practice (last letter of each)
- CH 5 REVIEW (3 letters per #)
- Puzzle Sheet
- P95 #5, 8-10d, 13 OL
- Puzzle 88 89
- P 99 #2-7 (3 letters each)
- P 91 #1, 2, 4, 5, 8
- P 86 # 3-8 (2 letters each)
Extra Practice Sheets
- Extra Practice 5.1.pdf
- Extra Practice 5.2.pdf
- Extra Practice 5.3.pdf
- Extra Practice 5.4.pdf
- Extra Practice CH5 Answers.doc
Video Links
- Extra Practice Handout for 2 letters
- P 76 #1, 4 , 5, 19, 20
- Bonus P. 83 Extend it further
- P 78 Ch 4 Review
- Elephant worksheet
- Krok worksheet
- Handout #4-15, 18, 19, OL & other side of handout
- P 67 #1-14, 17
- P 64 #1-7 OL
Extra Practice Sheets
Video Links
Updated Video Links - most recent first
Fun Video Links
Extra Practice (Have not done chapters yet)
- Extra Practice 7.1.pdf
- Extra Practice 7.2.pdf
- Extra Practice 7.3.pdf
- Extra Practice 7.4.pdf
- Extra Practice CH7 Answers.doc