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Debates and Debating


Conduct a "Keyword Series" Search on VSB LIBRARY for books in the Opposing Viewpoints series.  There are over 58 books in this category and all the books are available from the Templeton Library.  Perhaps one of the subjects will inspire you.

To Access Databases , go to VSB Library

  • Select Templeton Secondary from the list
  • Then Log in with your usual computer login to see available Databases.
Note:  User Login & Passwords for these databases are listed in your student agenda books

Canada In Context -

As its title indicates, this resource focuses on a Canadian perspective.


Once you log in, you will see a summary chart that lists several categories 

(i.e.  Bioethics, Human Rights, Social Issues, and many more).  
Click on one of these headings to narrow your search, and to access information faster.

The search will lead to a list of information and default to the "Points of View" tab.  
Notice that the other tabs will bring you to a variety of resources, such as:  
magazines, newspapers, reference, images, and much more.

Global Issues In Context -

Issues faced world wide 


Once you have logged in, select the "Browse Issues & Topics".    This will provide you with a chart of general options such as:  Environment & Climate Change /  Health & Medicine  /  Society & Culture  /  Women, Children & Families, etc.

Each of these general categories links to a series of specific topics and, in turn, each specific topic link will provide:  

  • An Overview
  • Global Viewpoints (magazine articles)
  • Reference Sources (encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.)
  • Statistics
  • News
  • Academic Journals

    All of the resources will be in full text.


Even though your goal is to support one side of your debate topic, it is in your best interest to research both sides of your topic.   This will give you some insight into your opponents views, and prepare you for a rebuttal.
Follow the tips outlined in class by your teacher.

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