Drama Planning 10 - Jobs Unit
It's time to find a job, but how do you know which jobs are right for you?
In this unit, you will learn about employability skills, build your job portfolio (which includes a resume and cover letter), and learn about the application and interview processes.
You will be working on a variety of activities in this unit of study. See you teacher for specific details.
Where do you start?
- Check Library and Community Center bulletin boards.
- Talk with family members or friends' families? Perhaps there is an opening where they work? Or, they know of an opportunity that might be of interest.
- Look through the Classified Ads in the Newspapers.
Job Searching Online
Note: You will be using these websites to complete the assignment activities prescribed by your classroom teacher.
**Please do not apply for any jobs on these sites at this time.**
- Vancouver Sun & Province Newspapers online through VSB LIBRARY.
Username & Password is listed in your agenda book on page 15. - Job Postings (Great for students and recent grads)
- YWCA - Employment Programs / Services
High School Students Qualify for the Drop In Resource Centre, but not Case Management.
- Companies That Will Hire Students
- WorkBC
- Monster
- Kijiji Classifieds (Job Section)- Anyone can post positions on this site.
BEWARE! Discretion Advised!
- Zip Recruiter- You can search many Job Boards at once.
Volunteer Opportunities
Resumes & Cover Letters
- About Careers - Cover Letters
- Creating a Resume - Slide Share Presentations by Rachel Weber
- Quintessential Careers - Teen Résumé writing workshop. Great organizational tool.
- Youth Services Canada - Main page links to pages on cover letters, résumés, preparing for an interview and many other useful tools and tips for finding a job.
Self-Assessment - What skills do I have? What career would be the best fit for me?
These sites are also posted on the Templeton Career Centre page.
- Career Cruising - Username: templeton Password: careers
Career Planning - Long Term Goals
- Career Futures 2030
- Work BC CAREER TREK - Go to Careers A-Z to watch videos about different jobs
For more information on résumés, cover letters, and preparing for an interview,
search VSB LIBRARY for books such as:
- What Color is your parachute? 2015 [371.4 BOL]
- Knock 'em Dead Resumes by Martin Yate [650.14 YAT]
- Knock 'em Dead Cover Letters by Martin Yate [808 YAT]
- The Resume Catalog by Yana Parker [ 650.14 PAR]
- Gallery of Best Resumes
- Professional Resume and Job Search Guide
- How to Write a Winning Resume
- The Everything Job Interview Book