Newcomer Welcome Centre (NWC)
Who to register at NWC?
- Grade 1 to Grade 12 students born in Canada, and who DO NOT speak English as their home language.
- Kindergarten to Grade 12 students born outside Canada, regardless of language spoken at home.
- Parent/legal guardian is neither a Canadian or a Permanent Resident.
*This applies to former students who left a VSB school and have returned. We need to verify their status, again, to ensure the student is eligible for a provincially funded education in British Columbia.
*When in doubt, please send the family and student to us. We are glad to help.
* A temporary online registration site is setup to help families who are already IN TOWN for registration.
Although our office is closed to public due to COVID-19, we are still providing services through emails and phones.
What about assessment and placement for new students registered through NWC?
As you are probably aware, in-class instruction is now suspended due to COVID-19. For the same reason, the NWC is closed to the public and we cannot currently assess newcomer students. Once we have updates regarding assessment, we will let you know. Currently, our district principal is continuously working with E.S. in hiring teachers for our “holding classes” to provide our newcomer students [who registered through NWC after mid-March and are registering for the current school year] online learning opportunities.
Who is my school’s MCLW/SWIS worker and the contact information?
Multicultural Liaison Workers (MCLW) List for download:
Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) List for download: