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Parent Bulletin


Dear Vancouver Technical Families:

We wanted to highlight some reminders as we approach the end of Semester 1.

Tech Day (January 25): Please see attached for details on this experiential learning day. As a reminder, this day- students are expected to attend and sign up for all sessions as there are assessments, assignments and a core competencies assignment that are to be completed based on their experiences from this dayTech Day Information for Families (January 25, 2023).pdf 

Turnaround Days (February 1 & February 2): Wednesday Feb 1 and Thursday Feb 2, 2023 are our Semester 1 Turnaround Days. Although it is a day of instruction, no new material will be taught by your child’s semester 1 teachers. Students are welcome to attend classes (during their regular semester 1 schedule class times), but attendance will not be taken on MyEd. Teachers may request specific students to attend their class for academic recovery.  Counsellors will also be offering course planning information, please see post on Grade Channels on the Student Hub later this week.

Semester 1 Final Reports (February 10): As a reminder, Semester 1 ends on January 31, 2023. Final Semester 1 Reports will be published to the MyEd Family Portal by 3pm on Friday February 10, 2023.

Course Planning Information: The meeting recording and slide decks are posted from course planning information night (January 19) on our webiste:   Please contact your child's grade-based counsellor with any questions.

Note: A family bulletin will be sent out in early February as we start Semester 2.

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