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VSB celebrates World Teachers’ Day!

Today, October 5, the Vancouver School District acknowledges World Teachers' Day and shares deep gratitude to all teachers for their hard work, dedication and passion for their chosen vocation.

Since 2018, in appreciation of the commitment and expertise of teachers, the District awards two student scholarships in honour of the positive impacts teachers have on students. The scholarships provide students with $2,500 to support their ongoing educational pursuits.

Ferris Kerr, graduate of Templeton Secondary, and Nghi Nguyen, graduate of Gladstone Secondary, were the 2022 recipients of honour for the Teacher Recognition Scholarship at the District. Learn more about them and how they feel their teachers supported their achievement, physical and mental well-being, and belonging.

As a now established practice, the District will also celebrate a day recognizing support staff and a day acknowledging administrative and management staff in the coming months.

Thank you to all District teachers for being a guide on students’ educational journeys on this World Teachers’ Day – and every day.

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