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Suzie Mah

Suzie Mah

Suzie Mah was elected to the Vancouver School Board in the 2022 municipal election. She holds a Bachelor of Education and Master of Education from the University of British Columbia (UBC). She is a retired Vancouver teacher who taught students from kindergarten to Grade 12 as well as adult learners. Born and raised in Vancouver, Suzie also served in executive roles with the Vancouver Elementary School Teachers’ Association and the British Columbia Teachers Federation.

Standing Committees:

  • Finance and Personnel Committee
  • Facilities Planning Committee
  • Education Plan Committee (Alternate)
  • Advocacy Subcommittee (Chair)

Internal Administrative Committees:

  • Special Education Advisory Committee (Alternate)

School Liaison for:

  • Magee, McKechnie, Maple Grove
  • Tupper, Brock, Dickens, Dickens Annex, Livingstone, McBride, McBride
    Annex, Nightingale

Liaison for:

  • Civic Committees:
    • Children, Youth and Families Advisory Committee
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