Student Films at the 2024 VAMPT Film Festival

Every year the Vancouver Association of Motion Picture teachers (VAMPT - VSB film/media teachers) invites students from every secondary media class to participate and showcase their short films in a film festival setting. Students are encouraged to screen their short films to an audience of their peers and a panelist of local filmmakers.
On Friday, May 31, Vancouver Technical hosted the 2024 VAMPT Film Festival in their auditorium that seats up to 500 attendees. As the screening ended, students were eager to talk to Vancouver film makers who deliberated on the 39 VSB student films. The room buzzed with chatter and excitement. Students walked up to the mics with questions and comments to the panel.
Questions included:
“Last year there were a lot of horror films. This year there are more variety. Why do you think that is the case?”
“What are the processes of getting an award. What are your criteria?”
“How does music play a role in filmmaking?”
“How does an event like this get organized?”
“What are your favourite films?”
“Do some of the films screened today remind you of what you made before?”
Another student took the opportunity to thank their teacher for the opportunity, saying, “Thank you to my teacher, Mr. Green for bringing me out. The film with the dog and the helicopter was so nice! If I am wanting to start making films, what genre should I start with?”
The three panelists gave thoughtful answers and spoke from their own experiences, giving many useful tips along the way.
“If you are stuck on what to make on a first film, start with a music video!” Said Alysha Seriani, artist and film maker.
Sam Mason, another panelist and filmmaker, said he was blown away at the talent he saw.
“I couldn’t imagine making such sophisticated and polished work when I was in high school. I’m really impressed with what the students could do in such a short amount of time. All the students should be happy with what they were able to achieve!”
Michael Edmonson, film photography and Indigenous studies teacher at University Hill Secondary, said that video making has really brought out the personalities of many of his students who have difficulty with verbal communication.
“I’ve been lucky to witness some amazing things through film for students in my Strategies class, including students on the spectrum, being able to express their sense of humour, and connect with a room full of 500 hundred people through their film, and have all those people laugh along with them.”
There is something magical when students have the chance to sit shoulder to shoulder and watch each other’s films collectively.
“Many students were a bit nervous showing their videos to such a large audience,” said Bryan Green, Media Arts teacher at Britannia Secondary.
Despite the pre-screening jitters, students were proud of their hard work and achievements and were eager to talk about their projects. Below is a video of students sharing their projects.
Congratulations to all the students who entered their film to the VAMPT festival.
Here are the following films that won best in each category.
Best Screenwriting: Distance, Eve Kilvert, Mairead Wong-Moon, Atlas Pilkington, Vancouver Technical Secondary
Best Animated Film: Spaced Out, by Sebastien Desbois and Avery Woronko, Britannia Secondary.
Best Experimental Film: Banana Banana Jam, by Pilgyu Jang and Pilhwan Jang, Uhill Secondary
Best Music Video: Stand, by Claire Kennedy Patchell, Vancouver Technical Secondary
Best Documentary: Ray, A Story of Identity by Kieran August, Max Archibald
Best Performance: Project Roadway by Rafe Tomyn from University Hill
Best Film Overall: Perfect Day, by Martina Viola Melnychuk, Vancouver Technical Secondary
Acknowledgements for the 2024 VAMPT Festival:
Finance & Swag- Mr. Forman Howes
Festival Submissions Coordinator - Mr. Nicholas Booker
Venue Host and Technical Coordinator - Ms. Sepideh Saii
Festival Programmer - Mr. Michael Edmondson
Festival Coordinator - Mr. Bryan Green
Festival Judges - Sam Mason, Kat Montagu and Slysha Seriani
Student Technicians - Rennadel Roxas, Cora Alderete & Iris Doornbosch
District Student Events Coordinator - Ms. Celia Jong