PAC Hot Lunch- Winter and Spring 2025

We’re excited to announce that the Winter & Spring 2025 Hot Lunch Program is now open for registration through the MunchaLunch! We have a variety of recess vendors (items served at recess) and lunch vendors (items served at lunch).
How to Register:
1. Visit the registration link provided in the attached flyer.
2. Log in or create a new account if you're a first-time user.
3. Select your child’s class and choose their lunch days and meal preferences.
4. Payments can be made on MunchaLunch via credit card.
Important Information:
- Registration closes 7-8 days before the vendor date, so don’t miss the deadline! Late orders cannot be processed.
- Please note that the vendor dates do not exclude field trips. It is your responsibility to avoid signing up for hot lunch on days when your child has a field trip.
- Please review any dietary restrictions or allergies when placing your orders.
We’ve worked hard to offer a wide range of delicious and nutritious meals, and your participation helps support our school’s Parent Advisory Council (PAC) initiatives.
If you need any assistance whatsoever, feel free to reach out to us at