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VSB Water Testing Results 2019

The certified results are reported in milligrams per liter (mg/L). The current Canadian guideline for lead in drinking water is a maximum acceptable concentration of 0.005 mg/L (5 parts per billion) in drinking water. Where results were above 0.005 mg/L, those fountains were closed.  

Samples were taken at active school sites built before 1990, when the use of lead solder in pipes was restricted in the BC plumbing code.

Admiral Seymour Elementary

Britannia Community Elementary

Britannia Secondary

Captain James Cook Elementary

Carnarvon Elementary

Champlain Heights Annex

Champlain Heights Elementary

Charles Dickens Annex

David Livingstone Elementary

David Lloyd George Elementary

David Oppenheimer Elementary

David Thompson Secondary

Dr. A.R. Lord Elementary

Dr. George M. Weir Elementary

Dr. H.N. MacCorkindale Elementary

Dr. R.E. McKechnie Elementary

Edith Cavell Elementary

Emily Carr Elementary

Eric Hamber Secondary

False Creek Elementary

Garibaldi Annex

General Brock Elementary

George T. Cunningham Elementary

Gladstone Secondary

Graham D Bruce Elementary

Grandview Elementary

Henry Hudson Elementary


John Henderson Elementary

John Oliver Secondary

Kerrisdale Annex

Killarney Secondary

King George Secondary

Lord Beaconsfield Elementary

Lord Byng Secondary

Lord Roberts Annex

Lord Roberts Elementary

Lord Selkirk Annex

Lord Selkirk Elementary

Lord Strathcona Elementary

Lord Tennyson Elementary

Maquinna Elementary

Mount Pleasant Elementary

Nootka Elementary

Point Grey Secondary

Prince of Wales Secondary

Queen Elizabeth Annex

Queen Elizabeth Elementary

Queen Victoria Elementary

Quilchena Elementary

Shaughnessy Elementary

Simon Fraser Elementary

Sir Charles Tupper Secondary

Sir James Douglas Annex

Sir John Franklin Elementary

Sir Matthew Begbie Elementary

Sir Richard McBride Annex

Sir Richard McBride Elementary

Sir Wilfred Grenfell Elementary

Sir Wilfrid Laurier Elementary

Sir William Osler Elementary

Sir William Van Horne Elementary

Sir Winston Churchill Secondary

Southlands Elementary

Tecumseh Annex

Templeton Secondary

Thunderbird Elementary

Tillicum Elementary

Total Education Program

Trudeau Elementary

Tyee Elementary

University Hill Elementary

Vancouver Technical Secondary

Waverley Annex

Waverley Elementary

Windermere Secondary

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